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throw away all jew devices that allow you to access jew technology....stay off the internet,do not watch tv, do not listen to the radio, do not read newspapers or magazines....any time spent not working should be spent with personal enrichment, you will spend time researching in the library, complex subjects, you will do this the old fashioned way with books, you will engage a musical instrument and practice it to become proficient, you will practice gardening and preserving food, you will hunt and fish and you will practice craftsmanship in a physical medium such as wood. metal, glass or stone, and you will do some type of individual sport that increases your over all stamina and constitution....and once you have learned to love yourself by proving to yourself that you can do those things and avoid the jews influence, you will meet a woman that you can love doing one of those things your doing out in the real world, not invisibly strapped to a machine with jew hooks in your mind