>>1706287You're a french soldier during WW1 about to go over the top in a major offensive about to capture a german trench.
Last 2 numbers from your post decide your faith and colors from your id decide your luck.
>Below 40You go over the top but you get shot by a german sentry and you die
>41-50You get blown up by german artillery.
>Over 50You succesfully attack and capture the german trench alive.
If you survive:
>Red IDMajor injuries, like a missing limb, you may bleed out if you don't get patched up quickly
>Yellow IDYou got shot in the shoulder, it hurts but it doesn't seems to bad
>Black IDYou're shell shocked for life
>Green IDYou're perfectly fine, without a single scratch
>anything elseYou survived, you could be better though