>>17043685>You couldn't use the board to ask the mods basic questionsthat's what the IRC is for retard, the reason /qa/ became a jak spam board is because the mods never used it anyways
might as well complain that /r9k/ is an incel board instead of a /b/ clone
>still is largely a website focused on anime and otaku cultureOut of 76 boards on the site, only 11 of them are anime-focused, and 5 of those are just porn boards. The "anime website" line has just been cope for years at this point, the vast majority of discussion on this site has nothing to do with anime and the vast majority of users don't come here out of some love of anime. The most trafficked boards are about politics and video games.
Treating 4chan like it's still a website for weaboos is no different than treating Facebook like it's still a website specifically for college students.
Times change, oldnigger.