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I hate vietnamese people so fucking much

ID:oeWpEogS No.17051313 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Have a vietnam "friend"
>know him since primary school
>meet up one day and become his "best friend"
>annoys you everyday
>he wants to put a gtx1050 into his computer
>asks you 124930145890124 questions every second about some stupid shit
>send him a link to a video covering all of it countless times
>ignores it
I don't know what to do banters. Told him once to basically fuck off and he came back after 3 months. I want him to die so much rn.

The stupidest things he asked me were:
>Why does the dvi cable doesn't fit in vga socket????????
>When I connect gpu with motherboard by vga (he completely forgot about connecting the monitor) WHAT SHOULD I DO>!>!??!?!>??!?!
>What do I need a dvi cable even for?
Additionally had to explain him 6 times that hdmi on this card is broken so he has to use a different cable

Fuck Vietnam