Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
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ID:C+mMVfKN No.17068160 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
With some help of ChatGPT I've made a website that you can use to upload video, sound and image files, that you want to keep and link to others. Files that youtube keeps deleting, or the OP has deleted from their channel but you still have it saved.
Please no porn, I don't want it to be another coomer /b/. some nudity is fine.

All the files need to be manually approved to be visible and available on the site due to (expected) abuse.

>why chatgpt?
cus im not a coder and Im learning as I go, chatgpt help was great
>weee cloudflareeee
settings that cf provides are amazing, if there's any faul play ill drop them instantly (youre using cf right now anyway)
>why not use shit like catbox instead?
sure, catbox is great but you cant see files on the site
