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1627082498512.jpg (128 KB, 1024x510) google yandex iqdb wait
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Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)15:41:43 No.178067207
>>17072524 >>17072526 >>17072527 >>17072533 >>17072545 >>17072556 >>17072562 >>17072576 >>17072584 >>17072587 >>17072607 >>17072621 .
Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)15:42:56 No.178067257
>>17072545 >>17072581 >>17072621 it all went to shit as soon as the phoneposters came
Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)15:43:59 No.178067291
>>17072525 >>17072532 >>17072544 >>17072545 >>17072621 I can’t believe that people still post frogs and wojaks, as if they’re some sacred memes that must continue to be posted
Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)15:44:32 No.178067314
>>17072534 >>17072545 >>17072621 >>17072521 (OP)
It's not that people stopped being funny.
We just stopped making everything into a thing every time.
These days funny posts get a chuckle, back then they became a meem for years to come.
If you think about it the whole screencapping posts tradition has completely died down.
We just stopped romanticising everything
Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)15:45:09 No.178067342
>>17072545 >>17072621 >>17072523 [YouTube] 2023 Presidential debate (REAL) (embed)
Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)15:45:56 No.178067360
>>17072545 >>17072621haruhiloli.jpg (93 KB, 724x1024) google yandex iqdb wait
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>>17072521 (OP)
everything only gets worse
Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)15:46:14 No.178067367
>>17072545 >>17072621 >>17072521 (OP)
right side is redditspeak