>>17074375congratulations you have cost
4chan.org $0.0098 in hosting fees probably maybe this is just a random guess because i am not 4chan staff do not ban me for impersonation of 4chan staff because i am not impersonating 4chan staff this is a satirical post not an attempt at impersonating 4chan staff i repeat i am not impersonating 4chan staff so do not ban me for impersonating 4chan staff because i am not impersonating 4chan staff i am not 4chan staff i am not current 4chan staff and i am not previous 4chan staff and i have no desire to become 4chan staff although it would be interesting to know what happens with moderation behind the scenes but the fact that i said i would find it interesting to know what it is like to be 4chan staff is further proof that i have not been 4chan staff and i am not currently 4chan staff and therefore i should not be banned for impersonating 4chan staff because i am explicitly stating that i am not 4chan staff so how could i impersonate 4chan staff if i am asserting that i am not 4chan staff that's just ridiculous so in conclusion just to be completely clear and nobody gets the wrong idea i am not 4chan staff and i am not impersonating 4chan staff now before i finish my post i realize it would be kinda funny to have a typo in my post where i omit a "not" but that would give the real 4chan staff (which does not currently or previously include me) a reason to ban me so it's not worth it to risk a ban because you can imagine the joke as i've described it here and that's basically good enough so yeah