Tricking the body to accept alcy by taking sips of candy flavor mostesr right after... Pathetic... Kris hates me now. I canr make anything right. How annn I be amuthing for kris??? Boomers says ''bring over a girle'''but they dnt get it either..
hate life like thiss. Also feeelig kind of bad that your threads depens on you jsut suffering le kafkawsuqe moment.
>>17118451>gave me le leftover for 5 eurobuckeroos\Niceu. bargain as well. did you try anything else???
>le superior spinal fluid...lole but I mean. its so sad he is hw he is. I mean. I think in the past i had some traits like that. But he pretty much cant escape it. aaaa sad
>its not bully if i didnt knowle ignorant bully... ze best kind of bulli.....