Ukraine is a fucking cesspool
it is owned by the NYFed
The Ukrainian government are criminals, progressives, they are communists, liberals, socialists, they are funded by the NYFed’s international banks. They bring scorn upon themselves via their corruption and classism.
Russia is once again fighting the communists, as the progressives today in the Ukrainian government have communist ideals (antifa, socialism, welfare, lack of individuality, borderless masses, mass surveillance, no private ownership, debt-based central banking, implementation of a CBDC)
This is just more of the same from 1913 Russia
Liberalism has turned into a plague of poverty, classism and disease.
What we have now is classism being disguised as racism and sexism. It is identical to 1913 Russia, but instead of poverty, the socialists' subversion is in the form of leveraging racial and gender inequities, instead of class. The socialists cannot use class/wealth now to subvert, b/c the socialists ARE the meritless, central bank-funded elitists at the Federal Reserve and its crony ilk.
It is the only way they have left to sow discontent and wrestle more power away from a unified population.
Russia is fighting back against this constant subversion and division.
Did everyone see this video?
Putin to WEF in Jan 2021
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ylV43ZjjuM@ 30:30:
"It is clear that an era associated with attempts to build a centralized unipolar world order is over, it hasn't been started even there were attempts to do just that but it's over. Such a monopoly was inherently contrary to the cultural and historical diversity of our civilization.”
pic related last week
five time felon JPM, NYFed's largest owner