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EARTH POLICE: Elite insider here. I'm broke as fuck now and they killed my parents.

No.17123945 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thanks to all of your prayers you have blown a hole in the Earth magnetosphere. We are now facing 650km/s winds according to These events will continue to occur more often as we gain strength. For anyone that has no idea what I'm talking about basically your prayers are causing solar flares, CMEs and the destruction of Reptilian weapons and triggering arrests. There is a high possibility with the hole that anons have blown in the atmosphere we could see strong storms decimate Satellite weapons in the coming days with the continuation of constant prayer. I provided the prayer that is working below for everyone.

The CMEs havent even arrived yet and you guys have already torn down the magnetosphere hence the proton flux yesterday. More energy than normal is pouring into Earth due to your prayers. We want more of this.

Thank You Father Ohm, Mother Azna, and all the Galactics and Blue Avians, and all the Angels for immediately and permanently shutting down all Child genocide and child trafficking and immediately and permanently remove everything thats killing us away from the Earth, and immediately and permanently make sure were fully healed, fully human and fully conscious.

Here is the previous post if anyone wants to catch up.
