We here all know that Yonkers will NOT respond to a silly post like this (which is very clearly and obviously a terrible-quality troll shitpost bait), because he is way too intelligent to do something as retarded as that. He said that he would not reply to his trolls, so he definitely will not respond to a post such as this, which is only posted to trigger his PDD. Surely our Poopcat is mature enough now and above all that childish nonsense of his past.
Plus, his current focus is on completing his animated TV series. Star just would not have the time to reply to senseless rubbish like this, being the busy consummate Creative Professional that he is. He is always calm, polite and friendly to everyone who comments on his art and ‘Lore’.
In summary, Yonkers simply would not take this ridiculous bait and reply to such a post.
No, Poopcat: DO NOT DO IT!
Exercise RESTRAINT and SELF-CONTROL, Yonkers.
Just DRAW. Don’t take the bait, OK?