I am about to pour my life savings into building a mosque. Then I will start spreading my religion. Street evangelizing, daily live stream sermons, etc.
My group is a Quranic movement that incorporates the Ancient Aryan Caste System:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quranism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caste_system_among_South_Asian_Muslims Basically, a Nation of Islam for "White' (Aryan/European) people only.
What do you think of this idea?
Read more here:
This is a religious foundation that: -Is a military manifesto and a soldier's filed manual. -Is designed to turn cowards into warriors who do not fear death. -Ethnocentric, and has an inbuilt caste system forbidding out-marriage. -Considers jews the devil -Is self-regulating and designed to target traitors. Ex. Self-appointed "universalist" spokespersons/representives of the tribe or religion are considered idolators, the worst type of Kafir (see: Shirk, Idolator, Taghut, Munafiq) and trying to stand in judgement of other Muslims is the worst sin that can be commited (see: Shirk, Takfir). What religious system places hating traitors as the core belief? What religious system is self-regulating to police traitors? What religion is so specifically designed to target and disempower traitors? Kafir, infidel, idolater, these are words that carry power. If the warrior caste of white men convert to Islam this separates the white race into two. The warrior caste of white men on one side, degenerates on the other. This racial delineation through religion, Islamic focus on traitors, and the Aryan Caste System, will completely disempower "white jesus", your biggest enemy. Once you take care of the devil's foot-soldier's then you can focus on the devil. Also, brown Muslims could act as a force multiplier against our enemies. There is no other way to save the white race!
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>>17150736 You should do it in Hollywood. It is filled with other pedos that would likely adopt your message.
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>>17150736 Based, allah willing
christianity is a jewish bottom-up divide and conquer system that is designed to strip away in-group preference and ethnocentrism while at the same time empowering the lowest classes by allowing them to gain moral and social supremacy through self-policing the behavior of other whites. marxism and modern liberalism are its secularized variants.They just replaced god with the government and the ten commandments with the woke commandments (race/gender/IQ are social constructs). This is why you see white people in places like South Africa self-policing each other's behavior as their kids are being raped and slaughtered. Policing each other's behavior is a religious experience for them. Their identity and self-importance is wrapped up in this system. What system could we put in its place that will bring back the tribal spirit and ingroup preference of white people that is also self-regulating and will continually target traitors? Islam! There are no "white jesuses" in Islam!
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>>17150740 preech the word of god saadiq
The ancient Aryan Caste System is present in Islam through "Ashrafism" (Asharaf is an Arabic word meaning 'most honorable one' or 'very noble') which are those who have a blood connection to Muhammad and are the Brahmin equivalent. This hierarchy forbids any type of out marriage between the castes. Muhammad (PBUH) was an Aryan and Europeans have the closest blood connection to him. Islam is not a "universalist" region. Nationalism and ethonocentrism are present in Islam through Ummah (Community), Asabiyyah (Nationalism), and Sha'b (nation with common ancestry, or national body ("Blood")). Ancestor worship, which was a central part of European Pagan religions, is also a part of Islam as Ziyarat. Also, even if you fail to turn things around, Middle Eastern women can be bleached in one generation (see attached pic). I see a lot of white guys talking about fleeing to East Asia, but Asians are as genetically distant as Africans are and will only give you a child with outbreeding depression. A Middle Eastern woman can give you a kid that looks like you. The Caucuses and Afghanistan could be the location of a future Aryan ethnostate.
>>17150736 Foolish.
All you need is simple separatism... anything beyond that manifests as scope creep which leads to either A) not accomplishing separatism (aka getting nowhere) or B) undesirable side effects along with separatism.
>>17150743 How are you separating from 50% of other white people? christjews (original and secularized form) are your enemies (assuming you're "white", but i doubt it). They are the foot-soldiers of the devil who are raised from birth to believe they can gain moral and social supremacy from policing the behavior of other white people. You have to separate from this group before you can separate from the jews.
Only religion Islam can do that! Islam is designed to disempower "white jesus" traitors.
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Quranism + the Ancient Aryan Caste System + Ummah. This is the foundation for an Aryan Islamic movement! If other sects spring forth from this foundation that is a good thing. I am just laying the groundwork.
>>17150736 It is stupid because it is obvious in the Quran itself that islam is for the Arabic people. Yes, “We sent in your language because we knew you would not believe it otherwise” - yes, Christians sent Mohammad & THEN YES he bastardized it right after he delivered it, changed it & fucking ruined everything, despite the fact that it is also still written that Christians are to be loved & respected in kind because they are their closest brothers & sisters in religion. Yes, we sent him. Yes, he fucked it up.
>>17150736 You sound like a jew. Muhammed was a white ginger, and arabs used to be white, islam is what made them brown you fucking retard.
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>>17150736 >>17150740 Instead of alienating christians, it would be a lot smarter to distinguish between the good and the evil brought by christianity, but you don't listen to advices so why am I even writing this.
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>>17150736 I'm not seeing a point of having a caste system in a exclusively white European society. What purpose would it exactly serve?
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>>17150745 Christians are fellow people of the book, it is our duty to teach them that their prophets like Abraham Moses and Jesus were actually Muslims, ypu spund like a LARPer trying to twist Islam to your own personal beliefs. Race does not matter in Islam, Allah created everyone.
your taqiyas mean nothing to me. i've seen your true face
>>17150749 Islam had nothing to do with that. Zoroastrian universalism and the christjew crusaders killing off the warrior caste did that.
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sap, Americans, there is a good man in your nation, his name is Seraphim Rose, he called you to Orthodoxy
>>17150736 The only reason muslims are here is because {{{communists}}} want to use sharia law to eradicate the rights granted to people through common law - the law common to all people, granted by through the living God. Watch this video about how Jews have historically facilitated muslim invasions into Europe throughout history:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaZWHtOblQw&t=141s Anonymous
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>>17150736 this whole shit glows
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>>17150736 Fuck off we're full
>>17150736 I think Europe would be better off as islamic rather than christian. However euros will never bother doing neurotic shit like praying 5 times a day, giving up alcohol, giving up pork, dressing their women like dementors (though some more modesty could work) etc. Islam needs to do what Christianity did in order to take over; it needs to adjust to European way of life, to the seasons, to the locals celebrations and festivals, and actually offer something that makes it preferrable to old Christian/atheist lifestyle. Islam needs to respect European cultural history and heritage and not break art like the ISIS niggers did in the Middle East. Extremist/fundamentalism islam will only attract a small group of people, and forcible conversion only works if you are in a position of power in that country/region/culture.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:24:41 No. 17150761 Report Quoted By:
>>17150736 dont open a mosque without a community.
Single person paying for a mosque is unheard of unless it's a politician or warlord trying to appease a muslim population.
Mosques are almost always crowdfunded.
Stick to a musalla (
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musalla ) until you have a big enough muslim community
>>17150757 Are you jewish? Why are you deflecting the blame on brown Muslims for invading Europe when they had ZERO power over the immigration systems?
jews and their christjew (including secularized: marxists, liberals) golum are responsible for that.
>>17150751 >The Ancient Arabs were Aryans: no, the ancient aryans who invaded the arabian peninsula and the fertile crescent were whites from thousands of miles away
the resident tribes were sand niggers
same thing happened to Iran and India
>>17150755 Islam is universalist, all people are welcome.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:27:13 No. 17150765 Report Quoted By:
>>17150749 racemixing isnt unique to islam and gulf ayyrabs were pretty white even in the 60s, woth every 5th person being a blonde.
Modernism and constitutional pseudo monarchy is why racemixing took off
t. born in ksa, father born in ksa, and grandpa worked there
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:27:44 No. 17150766 Report >>17150754 thank you for your service faggot
Also, Islam is fundamentally universal and evangelical just like Christianity. Your idea is just more globohomo faggotry. White men don't grovel and beg God for penitence. Imagine prostrating yourself 5 times a day. What faggotry.
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>>17150762 Brown Mulims taking over Europe is the will of Allah, if the white Europeans refuse to convert they will be replaced.
>>17150736 You have to go back
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:29:04 No. 17150770 Report >>17150764 all people were literally also welcome in apartheid south africa. Black immigrants were herded into sowetos and jap, iranians+non dutch/german euros were allowed business and land
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:30:13 No. 17150772 Report Quoted By:
>>17150767 >White men don't grovel and beg God for penitence this is cockiness to an unimaginable extreme
>>17150769 you should stay in israel
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>>17150737 I like fucking Muslim women and I’d enjoy them being white for once. Go with God my son.
>>17150763 The indigenous people in the Middle East were Natufians, basically neolithic meds. They were the founders of the Indus Valley Civilization and then mixed with Aryan invaders.
Muttification happened with the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Mongols.
Finally, it's pretty obvious that if Europeans are going to switch to some new religion, pic related will be its central prophet.
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>>17150762 muslims are literally here under their own power, all of your shit is exposed and you are all going to die.
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>>17150774 >Muttification happened with the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Mongols. KEK.
Arabs were niggers long before 1200 AD, my dude.
>>17150760 You're mostly correct.
>>17150767 >White men don't grovel and beg God for penitence That arrogance explains the current state of the West.
>>17150775 "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers - already, you see, the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity! - then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism [Islam], that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so." - Adolf Hitler
“The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity." - Adolf Hitler
"The only religion I respect is Islam. The only prophet I admire is the Prophet Muhammad." - Adolf Hitler, quoted by Ahmed Huber.
“The precepts ordering peoples to wash, to avoid certain drinks, to fast at appointed dates, to take exercise, to rise with the sun, to climb to the top of the minaret – all these were obligations invented by intelligent people. The exhortation to fight courageously is also self-explanatory.” - Adolf Hitler
“Mussolini made himself a buffoon by taking the title of ‘The Sword Of Islam’. Only Mohammed and the Caliph Omar had that right. He prevented us Germans from forging a revolutionary alliance with Islam.” - Adolf Hitler
Read his opinions on christjewery here:
https://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Hitler_Quotes_Against_Christianity.html Anonymous
>>17150778 >That arrogance explains the current state of the West. No, being Christfags for 1000+ years explains the current state of the west. Being bombastic conquerors explains the state of the Roman empire at its peak.
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>>17150736 >Aryan/European) No, this is not true; atheism is increasing in the land of the Aryans.
Just take a look at Iran and Pakistan; atheism will define these nations' futures.
>>17150736 What is going on?
You have been under attack from your own governments who are using psychological warfare techniques in order to try and trick you into practicing Islam. One of the main tools is through psychological shaping. The propaganda works best on women and low-t males through manipulation of their emotionals and submissiveness to what they perceive as the majority. This has happened before - Watch here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaZWHtOblQw What is Shaping?
Shaping is a procedure in which reinforcers are applied in steps on a subject to get the subject progressively closer and closer to exhibiting a target behavior.
Why are they doing this?
To initiate the 'end-time' prophecies of the Bible, Quran, Torah and Talmud and bring an end to the religions and governments of Europe leading to enslavement of all the people of the world. Many who are going along with it are blackmailed, some are radical communists who are foolish enough to believe the end result will be a utopia.
Who is doing it?
Freemasons controlled by Jewish Cohen Priests.
* Feminism is to lead to segregation of men and women
* Promoting fasting as having 'health benefits' is to promote fasting for Ramadan
Mohammed married a 6 year old and groomed her by engaging in the practice of 'thighing' - rubbing one out against her leg. When she was aged 9 he engaged in statutory rape.
Taking a knee:
The idea is to use psychological shaping to transition this into the islamic prayer position.
Face masks:
The idea is to use psychological shaping to transition this into a face veil (niqab).
Introduction of 'hate speech' laws.
Genital mutilation:
Mutilation of both male and female gentials is practised
The Quran dictates that pubic and armpit hair should be shaved.
Dangerous Dogs:
The Quran dictates that dogs should not be kept as pets. Dangerous dogs is to be shaped into requiring a license to own a dog for any reason.
>>17150770 Yes. But we want a white conservation area that would include all of Europe and populace would only consist of native Europe. I get the reason for a need of a white supremacist religion but I do not understand the need for a implementation of a caste system in a only white society.
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the British are a wonderful people, you have good classical literature
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:37:00 No. 17150785 Report Quoted By:
>>17150757 this midwitted bullshit.
Sharia law in the west is more of a pipe dream in europe than total kike death in europe.
And trust me, total kike death isnt gonna come close to reality in gayrope in this century.
(((communists))) want low iq niggers and shitskins, but if theyre too low iq (under 60) then theyd end up a burden like american niggers.
So they had no choice but to import niggers and shitskins that just happened to be 80ish iq.
The kikes planned to strip the islam from the New British over generations via rampant secularism and online degeneracy.
This is why rapists get a free pass.
Its hard to not be a serial rapist and gove up on raising a family and kkds when youre literally subsidised by the state to rape wite wimmin as you please
>>17150771 Hope kikes obliterate you
>>17150779 Cool, now read Mein Kampf and count how many times he cites the Bible for permission. The answer is zero.
Hitler was a politician who said nice things about the Catholic Church despite receiving no reciprocity. Mein Kampf is entirely anti-Christian. Mein Kampf is an outline for improving the race in this world, the only world that exists. Christianity is about preparing for the next world. To a Christian, this world is just a casting couch.
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>>17150736 >What do you think of this idea? I think you should definitely waste all your savings on something as retarded as that
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:38:58 No. 17150789 Report >>17150783 A warrior shouldnt be equal to a poet.
Caste was meant to separate people on occupations and started out more akin to guilds.
But people inheriting their position in society later turned out to be an extreme form of inherited nepotism which later made caste system useless and destroyed
Islam is a nanny-state religion for men without self control.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:40:35 No. 17150791 Report Quoted By:
>>17150780 the british, french, spanish, dutch, portuguese and russian empires plus natsoc germany were larger, more powerful and more sophisticated than roman one.
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>>17150737 sounds based, you'll need cool uniforms or it will never work
Mushrooms kafir you will be beheaded, inshallah. Fucking WD Fard type cracker, we will give you acid for trying to divide the ummah.
Islam forbids icons. This is how you know it's not a White religion.
>>17150787 Adolf Hitler (PBUH) was in the process of abolishing christianity in Germany before the war broke out:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirchenkampf And he threw thousands of priests into concentration camps:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priest_Barracks_of_Dachau_Concentration_Camp The state religion of the Reich would have ended up being a form of Islam like I described in my OP. Quranism + the Ancient Aryan Caste System.
>>17150736 You can’t be white and be a Muslim.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:44:04 No. 17150797 Report >>17150782 except it s impossible to be "shaped" into a muslim.
The religion itself prides itself on being the minority trailblazing their way into the right path.
To be above trends.
Muhammad and his closest companions were described by himself as "Ghurabah" or strangers/anti trend follower.
>muh pedophilia most of your ancestors would be considered pedos today
According to the Quran “if he (muhammed) is a false prophet we (angels) will slice his throat” A year later according to Al bukhari “the prophet screamed and wailed to his child bride before his death saying “HELP LE AISHIA HELP ME THEY HAVE CUT MY THROAT” What are the political implications of hubris?
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:45:31 No. 17150799 Report Quoted By:
>>17150790 show me men with self control today.
(cucks dont count)
>>17150736 It's a retarded idea. You're trade one Semitic religion for another
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:46:25 No. 17150801 Report >>17150794 Luther and pre soviet orthodox christianity would agree with islam on this.
hell Buddha would too.
What a shitty cope
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>>17150793 Go back to your desert shithole, Mahmud
>>17150795 >a form of Islam yeah with sonnenrads, statues of heroes, sermons delivered in german, ancestor veneration, not fucking your first cousin...
so basically nothing like islam
>>17150751 Arabs are Semitic by race....lmao what are you smoking
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:47:32 No. 17150805 Report Quoted By:
>>17150796 that is patently bullshit.
There were german nahtzees who convert to islam.
No amerimutt will ever be whiter than le evil nahtzees
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>>17150782 >You have been under attack from your own governments who are using psychological warfare techniques in order to try and trick you into practicing Islam. That's retarded on so many levels.
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Daily reminder that Abraham's biography is a Woody Allen movie.
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>>17150779 >satanslibrary666 Nice link kafir.
>>17150766 Killing islamist men, women and children is something most people would happily do for free. You're like jews but you dumb niggers are too stupid to be tactful with your kikeness
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:49:23 No. 17150810 Report >>17150798 what tf are you talking about?
>>17150800 whats semitic about islam?
Muhammad killed off all men of an entire jewish tribe and enslaved all the women and children and distributed them amongst his followers.
A jewess from a second tribe poisoned him, but didnt kill him outright, which meant Muhammad did it a second time to her entire tribe
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>>17150789 >taking advice from a brown nigger with someone else's culture and religion as his own LOL. The original cuck race.
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>>17150810 Arab people are semitic.
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Fuck off Paki. Muhammed is a pedophile. Islam will never be white. You're all subhuman cockroaches that rape kids. You're beggars and pickpockets that contribute nothing. You're the attack dogs of the jews.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:51:13 No. 17150814 Report >>17150804 yet, genetic tests still show them as have very little overlap.
Jews and arabs being both the same type of semite was a hypothesis from an age before genetic testing.
It was a mere assumption based on jerusalem being full of arabs in 19th century
>>17150810 You know Arabs are members of the Semitic race right? Lmao fucking retard, it's a religion of semites for semites made by semites
>>17150760 >brooo imagine if Islam took over Germany so we could rape more of their little girls and decrease the quality of life with our shitty genetics, religion, language, food, and culture So based!!
>>17150814 Cope. Jewslums lied and Bangladeshis died
White Islam sounds pretty lame. The greatest benefit of converting as a European, is getting access to middle eastern cuties who were previously unavailable to you.
>>17150796 Whenever you see a mutt flag qualifying "white" (whatever that means) or defining what "white" is, just imagine the pic attached. Every mutt on this website is a mestizo.
>>17150818 They're disgusting creatures. Most are products of inbreeding
>>17150801 >Luther fag. A normal White man would have read the Bible, concluded it was insanity, and have contented himself with Greek ethics as a "religion." Luther and the Anabaptist crazies tried to follow it strictly and ended up creating a mess that had to be cleaned up by comparatively-sane Catholic nobles.
>Orthodox christianity bearded fags. Also they do have icons, as ugly as all that church art is.
>Buddha the biggest fag ever. Abandons his warrior religion to start some navel-gazing club in the mountains.
Whites have always endeavoured to make giant sculptures since the time of the Sphinx. Faggy Islam makes spirographs. Sorry, your sand religion isn't White. Go back to selling magic carpets or whatever you do.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:53:27 No. 17150823 Report >>17150809 if you lack tact, you lack "kikeness".
Simple as that.
If muslims had kikeness, youd be on ayyrabs' side in wars.
Considering how you were a zogbot who was ready to die for kikes (in reality saw zero action and probably cleaned toilets)
>>17150820 He looks 100% Arab, lmao. How ironic
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>>17150823 Nah Muslims are terrible with money, thus their influence is only limited to people of equally low intellect and imagination.
>>17150774 whoa bro, so White!
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:55:11 No. 17150827 Report Quoted By:
>>17150815 see
>>17150814 >>17150817 what did the shabbos goyim mean by this?
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:56:17 No. 17150829 Report >>17150822 >greek ethics i too love pederasty
orthos are literally termed iconoclastic.
Stupid mutt.
Post schnozz btw, kike.
>>17150826 The main rule of Islam is to basically submit to Arabs lol its the ultimate form of cuckoldry. You submit to Arab laws. Arab culture and Arab values.
>>17150803 Exactly. Basically, Quranism + the Ancient Aryan Caste System.
Nationalism and ethonocentrism are present in Islam through Ummah (Community), Asabiyyah (Nationalism), and Sha'b (nation with common ancestry, or national body ("Blood")). Ancestor worship, which was a central part of European Pagan religions, is also a part of Islam as Ziyarat.
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>>17150820 You have no ground to stand on to be calling someone less white because he's a US citizen while hiding under the crescent memeflag. Americans you are replying to could be Von Brauns grandchildren themselves.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:57:19 No. 17150833 Report Quoted By:
>>17150816 why would white men rape their own girls in their own country?
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:57:50 No. 17150834 Report Quoted By:
>>17150824 arabs dont have unibrows.
only persians
>>17150829 >dirty, irrelevant no-name brown people country with someone else's culture and values Oh yeah. The cuckold mentality has buck broken the average australoid man
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you slam i slam we all slam for islam
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:58:34 No. 17150837 Report >>17150830 europe spent two millenia with christian law
Muslims kill entire families for converting to Christianity and regularly behead and rape people. Being a "warrior" means you don't have faith in God. Do what is right in your own life. Have faith that evil will be accounted for. Islam has no faith in God.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 16:59:11 No. 17150839 Report Anonymous
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>>17150736 I think you are meme flag faggot
>>17150837 Which is why Europe is superior in every way possible when compared to Islam or any islamist societies. There's a reason why all Islamic majority nations look like nigger ghettos.
>>17150821 My uncircumcised dick says otherwise. You won't find beautiful dark hair and ruby brown eyes like this on a pale nordic woman.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:00:49 No. 17150843 Report >>17150838 >Being a "warrior" means you don't have faith in God and this, ladies and gentlemen is how you get jews sponsoring african drag queen story time for your kids.
You deserve your kikes
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>>17150839 OK cuck lmao. Cuckoldry is your nations history, submitting to invaders is your culture and being a weak, scared bitch is in your genetic code.
>>17150843 You're just as bad if not worse than Jews
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:01:47 No. 17150846 Report Quoted By:
>>17150842 Italy has existed as the christian-kosher out light for men with arab fetish for a thousand years anon
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>>17150842 She looks like that fat jew tranny, jazz. God damn Arabs are so ugly lmao.
>>17150838 >Being a "warrior" means you don't have faith in God. Do what is right in your own life. Have faith that evil will be accounted for And that presumptuous, lazy philosophy is how christians gave up the West and let it rot under the rule of atheists. Where christianity has failed, Islam will not.
>>17150736 Might work. Find a positive interpretation to allow some syncretism with the old gods, and you've got a winning formula. If you can find them to be angels or something worth respecting, it'll go a long way. You're targeting people that respect their heritage and are willing to ignore Christendom. So give an olive branch like is already being done by accepting Jesus as a prophet.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:02:31 No. 17150850 Report Quoted By:
>>17150845 how?
I believe I have asked a simple enough question
>>17150841 Muslim countries are morally vastly superior to Europe.
>>17150848 That fact you need some invisible entity to lord over you because you don't trust yourself enough to not rape and murder is why we can never actually exist at the same time. You rape and murder by your nature, Europeans create and breathe life into this world by our nature.
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>>17150816 More like
>dude what if white germans converted to islam so they no longer had to treat immigrant monkeys like oppressed minority and instead spank some manners into them or kick them out as kuffars What I like about islam is the clear roles given to men and women, focus on family, treating niggers like the raisinfaced mongrels they are, architecture (as long as they're not destroying non-islamic/haram art) and it has none of the "turn the other cheek" faggotry. If you take out the neurotic shit about food, constant prayers, hatred for icons etc then I think islam has a lot to offer to euros.
>>17150848 Only upon a surface examination can it be considered lazy. I do not call for inaction. I call for faith. Islam is full of worry and paranoia. They are objectively evil. I know I won't change your mind and you were raised in that shit, but it really is a false religion
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>>17150851 You have the highest rates of children being raped in any part of the known world. You're not what you say you are, not even by a stretch.
>>17150797 You are all going to die
>>17150841 Compare Dubai and Qutar to any amerimutt city today. Also, look at Lebanon, Iran, Iraq before jewish and mutt interventions.
You literally live in a 3rd world jewish controlled hellscape.
Also, christianity did nothing to benefit Europe. It is responsible for the destruction of Rome, Dark Ages, 30 years war where 50% of the German population was slaughtered over whether jewsus was catholic of protestant, and it is the blueprint for marxism and modern liberalism.
>>17150856 I will be there right by your side, grabbing their toddleds by the ankles and smashing their heads against the sidewalk curbs and walls.
Total Islamic nigger death
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>>17150736 Fuck off
Fuck off fuck off fuck off
Fuck off
Arabs rule islam and are semitic supremacists inline with kikes
>>17150852 >expecting the other person to engage with your stupidity while you call him a murderer and rapist People like you weren't slapped enough.
>>17150851 Is that why you or your parents chose to spend life in France? You people just craved overall shittier surrounding and circumstances?
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:09:08 No. 17150864 Report >>17150852 Europeans succeeded when they were were nations.
They colonised and their constsnt warring resulted in innovations that lead to r&d and modern inventions.
Almost every tech you use from lasers, microchips and the internet, to fertilisers, penicilin and commercial airlines, all were a result from R&D for war.
When gayropeans gave up in war, they have blm and lgbt pride parades
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>>17150849 Quranism + the Ancient Aryan Caste System + Ummah.
This is the foundation for an Aryan Islamic movement!
If other sects spring forth from this foundation that is a good thing. I am just laying the groundwork.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:09:39 No. 17150866 Report Quoted By:
>>17150786 your day will come kufar scum, i kill jews with my cleaver
>>17150854 >I do not call for inaction Faith is only half of the work, and you're objectively evil for opposing islam.
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>>17150862 You are though. It's not a surprise that Arabs / Muslims make up the second largest demographic in European prisons despite being total minorities.
In fact every metric we use to justify our hate of niggers can easily be applied to Arabs and Muslims. So tell me again. Why should we convert to what is basically a nigger religion?
Islam is the original globohomo, you guys were the first to try and humanise niggers
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>>17150736 KYS spamming sand nigger
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:11:29 No. 17150871 Report Quoted By:
>>17150858 What Timmy gunna do? Timny aint gonna do shit.
Couldnt even use the 2nd amendment against a fraudulent election.
Oh wait, scratch that, its isn't Timmy, it's fucking Chaim.
Once again, thank you for your service, stay away from fentanyl and suicides due to ptsd
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>>17150864 Didn't read, you stupid banana picking monkey larping as a sand nigger scum
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>>17150861 I even named you countries as well, you filthy brown spic.
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>>17150863 >assumes other people's race while he hides behind a memeflag Retard.
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>>17150868 >faith vs works This is a nonsensical and misleading argument. The fruits of lack of faith will be no good works.
>>17150831 >Basically, Quranism + the Ancient Aryan Caste System. No, basically indigenous Germanic religion without stupid sand niggotry. Did the characters in Wagnerian operas wear turbans? Did Odin ride an eight-legged camel? Do you see sand niggers dancing around in Triumph of the Will or is it a bunch of blonde Aryan maidens and youths?
>>17150736 Im sory brother, but you will be teaching an incorrect form of the Din, and that is a terrible thing to do.
If you trully think about yourself as a muslim, you should only aim to please Allah subhanna wa ta'allah and nothing more. Any other option is just kuffar actions.
Asalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu
>>17150867 Idk, it looks like kikes are pretty effective;Europeans should take notes
Mutt flags are not "white" they are all brown mestizos. Also, I traveled through muttland, so the very few posters that are not mestizos, and who do count as "white' in muttland, are dysgenic muttified subhumans. It was horrifying to see! Imagine slovenly obese pig-human creatures with a total contempt for their presentation, contempt for social graces, contempt for knowledge and learning, and even a contempt for their health. it was like the more filthy and stupid they were the more masculine they are. Wobbling around and blowing snot on the ground. Seriously. This is who you're arguing with.
>>17150778 >That arrogance explains the current state of the West. I don’t care much for faggots or feminists but they’ll probably fight Muslims at the end of the day or be killed by them. Not my problem.
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>>17150736 Is this the new tate university homework? Shilling for Islam to increase the pool of potential retards to recruit into his munafiq cult?
Islam is so obviously just a vehicle of Arab ethnic supremacy. This is why they PBU Mohammed and not Allah. Allah is for everyone, but Mohammed was the special sand nigger whom Allah picked over all the Kaffirs. And like neurotic sand people, they have to append PBUH to every invocation of his name. Not once until further notice. Mohammad has to hear PBUH every day or he thinks you're an infidel the way a woman needs to hear "I love you" or else she thinks you're cheating. Womanly vengefulness penetrates the whole religion.
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>>17150780 >No, being Christfags for 1000+ years explains the current state of the west. Being Christfags for 1000+ years kept the Ottomans at bay and most of the explored world under the thumb of Europeans
The last 5 decades of secularism brought most of the western world to its knees, but yes sure fags putting on a robe on tick tock really represents a millennium of unity and divide.
You replaced church with government.
>>17150736 Islam is another jewish sect
Are they pushin degenceay openly so as to offer Islam as a solution?
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>>17150879 You're resorting to ad hominems because you know you're wrong.
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>>17150736 Muhammad was White just like Jesus. He had red hair and described as having White skin. In modern times all types of Aryans have been mixed some way or another. Many modern day arabs mixed with niggers and are diluted. Pre Islam etc that wasn't the case
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>>17150884 European nobility or priest class controls the game
jews are their foot soldier
ANd they want every single white euroepans dead
Pen vs Sword
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:25:04 No. 17150888 Report >>17150876 Even himmler gave up on paganism and his daughter said he died an avid christian while not rejecting his pagan ancestord
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>>17150736 I fully support you but I wish it would be Inclusive since Islam is predominately practiced in Asia and africa so you're really kinda gimping urself with the whites only thing
It's ok though they're all racist too
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:25:59 No. 17150890 Report >>17150877 no he wouldnt.
Segregation will foster growth in not only whites, but white muslims. He is doing this in service to Allah
>>17150736 Sorry buddy, you're not Aryan.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:27:42 No. 17150892 Report Quoted By:
>>17150882 pbuh was a practice that started after his death.
Hence never obligatory.
I rarely type out pbuh on 4chan,just because its 4 letters too much to type imho for an anonymous Slovakian sheep shearing forum
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Behold, the Son of Man.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:29:14 No. 17150894 Report >>17150884 how is islam jewish?
I asked the same question itt and the person i asked it to vanished.
Bonus question, why would hitler praise islam if it was jewish?
He had an entire prison sentence to dwell on why jews are bad
>>17150880 By "the current state of the West" I don't mean just faggots and feminists, but a lot more than that. The current West is a pathetic, agonizing shadow of its former self.
>>17150895 Due to declining Christianity
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:34:01 No. 17150897 Report >>17150896 true.
Islam is an improved form of Christianity tho
>>17150897 It takes out the most important part of the story and adds nothing. How is it improved?
>>17150891 Hitler would disagree
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>>17150890 It would, and that is my idea exactly. Separation and delineation among so-called "white" people to destroy universalism, then replacing the christian divide and conquer system that empowers traitors with Islam's traitor hating system.
That said, "white" people are hopeless and there is no reversing the course we are on, nor should there be. The meek shall perish.
Nonetheless, in posterity, while i am sitting in the ruins of western civilization, I can say "at least I tried".
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>>17150895 >muh Middle Ages was the peak of civilization Depends on how you look at it. I think people overly romanticize what it was like without modern comforts.
>>17150894 >how is islam jewish? >I asked the same question itt and the person i asked it to vanished. Islam is sandnigger religion originated from saturn cult
Notice the similarity in cube worship jews and muslims
>>17150894 >why would hitler praise islam if it was jewish? Yup that is the definite confirmation of Islam is another arm of kikes
You know why beacuse hitler and eniter Nazis were ultra kikes
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>>17150902 Also note both sects slice of of their foreskins
Its kind of ulta devotion to their Gods
>>17150888 >>17150894 You come to some fringe websties,get redpilled on Nazis.You go down the full rabbithole.
You will come the conclusion Nazi's are not evil as the media make it to be.
But you are gonna hit a little snag on the path.You have this intutive feel that Holocuast didnot happen.
But how much you try to prove ,you cannot prove it.Ever single one of your argument will get convincingly debunked.
>Do you know why? Because all the top brass of Nazis were jews or are married to jews
They preplanned the Holocaust narrative,closing out every loop hole.
>How did they hide it from the common German people? Using dual interpretation:
Every action taken had two potential interpretations - one based on the war-time narrative, and one based on the Holocaust narrative
War narrative:Zyklon B for Typhoid
Holocaust narrative:gas Jews
Every single aspect was meticulously planned down to the smallest detail.
And it is because of the extensive use of this duality technique you can feel something is off,
but cannot prove it logically.
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>>17150736 >build his rickety religious shack >starts preaching his flavour of abrahmic bullshit >other sand niggers get offended >they burn your shack down or kill you It's a win win and I didn't read past the first line.
>>17150905 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Names of Nazi leaders and their side kicks....Kek..
>Hitler >Himmler >Goering >Goebbels >Rudolf Hess >Rudolf Höss Just like Vercingetorix and Arminius who tricked Gauls into fighting Rome
Hitler was a plant,as was entire Nazi Regime
"What is the ideal German? Blond like Hitler, slim like Göring, masculine like Goebbels"
Hitler's father, Alois Hitler (1837–1903), was the illegitimate child of Maria Anna Schicklgruber.
Schicklgruber=shekel grabber
>Protocol NO:9 "... DE FACTO we have already wiped out every kind of rule except our own, although DE JURE
there still remain a good many of them. Nowadays, if any States raise a protest against us it is only
PRO FORMA at our discretion and by our direction, for THEIR ANTI-SEMITISM IS
into further explanations, for this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us."
Elites always viewed hitler as "the mechanical instrument ot bring about NWO"
Here's an Elite AMA saying the same thing
http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/253581308/#q253583698 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>17150907 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hitler's Handdler. He is said to have instructed Adolf Hitler in performance and the achievement of dramatic effect
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Jan_Hanussen Founding member of the SS. He was Hitler's first personal chauffeur, and was of mixed Jewish and ethnic German ancestry.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Maurice Jewish Luftwaffe General of the Air Force during the Second World War. Declared Aryan in 1935 by Hitler
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmuth_Wilberg State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Aviation and Inspector General of the Air force was born to a Jewish father.Declared Aryan by Hitler.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erhard_Milch Jewish Kriegsmarine captain, commander of the auxiliary cruiser Atlantis during World War II.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Rogge Jewish-Austrian princess and a spy for Nazi Germany, was declared an honorary Aryan
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanie_von_Hohenlohe Leader of the Hitler Youth organization, he had a Jewish grandfather.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Schmidt German who was half Jewish. His image appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt as "The Ideal German Soldier", and was later used in recruitment posters and propaganda for the Wehrmacht.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Goldberg German Jew, was featured as an infant in Nazi propaganda to find "the most beautiful Aryan baby" in 1935..
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessy_Levinsons_Taft Otto Skorzeny ,Waffen-SS ,went on to work for Mossad after world war 2
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Skorzeny ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>17150878 nigga kikes are minority between the river and the sea, we will convert them and kill all the gay ones
>>17150908 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exiled German born jewish fencer .Represented Germans in fencing in 1396 olympic under special invitation from Gobbels
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helene_Mayer German-born Jewish hockey player in 1936 Olympics
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudi_Ball Jewish member of Nazi Secret services in Turkey
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Carl_Moyzisch Mein Kampf was written with the help of a Jesuit
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Stempfle >The "half-Jewish" Mischlinge General Helmut Wilberg of the Luftwaffe. Hitler declared him Aryan in 1935. >The Mischlinge General Johannes Zuckertort. >The Mischlinge Colonel Walter Hollaender. >The Mischlinge Commander of the Kriegsmarine Paul Ascher. >The Quarter-Jewish Admiral Bernhard Rogge, 1st officer on the Bismarck. >The Mischlinge Erhard Milch General of the Luftwaffe. He received the prestigious Knight Cross of the Iron Cross and Hitler declared him an Aryan. >General Gotthard Heinrici who was married to a Mischlinge. >The Mischlinge Horst Geitner, soldier decorated with the iron cross. >Mischlinge Werner Goldberg, voted "ideal German soldier [in terms of beauty and virtue]" by the magazine Berliner Tageblatt. Also decorated with the Iron Cross. An estimated 150,000 Jewish soldiers fought for Hitler during World War II, including
- 2 Field Marshals
- 15 Generals
- 8 Lieutenant Generals
- 5 Major-Generals
- approximately fifty Jews were awarded the Iron Cross
>>17150910 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Goering, raised by a jewish stepfather who left him his fortune and title. His number 2 Milch, jewish, as was his number 3, Wilberg. All of them instrumental in some massive crucial failures like Dunkirk and German air doctrine
Karl Harrer, founder of the NSDAP, Emil Maurice, founder of the SS, Karl Haushofer, author of NS grand strategy, Walther Funk, Goebbel's number 2 and Schacht's successor at the Reichbank, Hanussen, Hitler's early mentor and handler - all of them jews or married to jews.
Notorious camp doctors like Eppinger and Clauberg - jews, as was Hitler's personal doctor Morell who was pumping him full of drugs as he committed 'blunder' after genocidal blunder during Barbarossa.
Haavara agreement
Brokered by Haim Arlosoroff the jewish lover of the jewish wife of the great antisemite Joseph Goebbels
There was plenty of 'peaceful solution' to the JQ when it came to elite jews, and the jews they selected to go from occupied countries into the US and Israel
The Revisionist newspaper in Palestine, Hazit Haam published a sharp denunciation of those involved in the agreement as "betrayers", and shortly afterwards one of the negotiators, Haim Arlosoroff was assassinated
Himmler's handler was the jew Wiligut, he was a puppet
Hitler's handler during Barbarossa was the jewish Dr. Morell
Goebbels had a jewish wife, Goering was raised by a jew whose wealth he inherited, why were all these avowed antisemites so close to jews, despite jews making up less than 1% of the population?
>>17150911 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
While in Berlin, Magda befriended Lisa Arlosoroff and later became intimate with her brother Haim, an ardent Zionist. During her relationship with Haim, she briefly wore a Star of David and accompanied him to Jewish youth club meetings. The relationship did not last but the two remained in contact during the 1920s until Haim's migration to Palestine, where he later headed the Jewish Agency.
Magda Goebbels was raised by the jew Friedlaender who was most likely her biological father
https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/joseph-goebbels/war-magda-goebbels-juedin-47403164.bild.html She also had a lifelong jewish lover, was an active zionist and looks jewish phenotypically.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magda_Goebbels Hjalmar Schacht…
>Schachtwas a freemason having joined the lodge Urania zur Unsterblichkeit in 1908. >President of the German Reichsbank in the period of the German hyperinflation (Weimar Republic) and immediately after. Then again became President of the Reichsbank in the 1930s and was Adolf Hitler’s Reichsbank President >was awarded honorary membership in the Nazi Party and the Golden Swastika on 30 January 1937, "the highest honor the Third Reich has to offer" >AcquittedatNurembergTrials >autobiography was entitled CONFESSIONS OF THE OLD WIZARD (1953) >author of THE MAGIC OF MONEY(1967) >co-founder of Bank for International Settlements (BIS) >Otto Skorzeny's father-in-law >godfather of Bank of England’s governor Montagu Norman's children ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>17150912 Hitler's background is very weird.
Not knowing who your own grandfather is - not common, even less so for world-famous individuals. My mum was born out of wedlock but both she and I are still aware of who her biological father is. It's one of those things you have to be actively trying to forget.
Less noted but perhaps even stranger - "Hitler" is not actually his family name. Because his father Alois was illegitimate, he was simply known as Schicklgruber, but just before he turned 40, he had his name changed more or less by having the government amend his birth certificate. His reasons for doing this one would think were either personal or emotional, but it was apparently to "advance in his career". But Alois had already been in the customs service for almost 22 years - it's not as if they'd suddenly forgot his paternity issue, so what difference would a name change make?
One of the witnesses to the name change was Alois' stepfather's younger brother, Johann Nepomuk Hiedler, who apparently went by the name Hüttler, Huettler, or Huetler. However, the younger Johann's parents both went by Hiedler, as did his older brother, so again - what? Who does this? Nepomuk's children with Eva Decker are alternatively given as Hüttler, Hiedler or Huettler. Wiki has Johanna Pölzl, Hitler's maternal grandmother, as Hiedler, whilst Geni has her as Hüttler. However, Wiki has Johanna's sister Josefa as Hüttler and Geni as Hiedler. ???
Despite taking his stepfather's name, Alois himself chose to write "Hitler" on the birth certificate. No reason is given for this. In fact, I can't find any examples of a "Hitler" (as opposed to a Hiedler or variant) from before Alois existing anywhere. It reads almost like an Anglicisation.
Basically my point is what is all this stuff with the names? How hard is it to just know who your immediate family is and what your real name is?
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:47:13 No. 17150914 Report >>17150898 hehehe, what's the important part?
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:48:03 No. 17150916 Report Quoted By:
>>17150903 >hitler was kike lol.
Nice try memeflaggot kike
This debate was settled in 2014
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>>17150736 Islam is a shabby knock off of Roman Catholicism. Kadija was Muhammad's spiritual director and was Catholic. The Quran is rank plagiarism
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwJ8L1fp4N1DjVivKH2YsE7bu4mSwGW4x Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:49:12 No. 17150918 Report >>17150909 man I love AI art.
>>17150914 You already know.
>>17150914 If Islam is not a part of globhomo
why is globohomo pushing it everyhwere
You can search islamic crimes nothing will come up
Islamaphobia is labelled as a hate crime in USA.
They eve put it in their Patriot Act
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>>17150918 you are a bot right?
>>17150879 Right. When people hear Islam they immediately conjure up some hooked nose brown nigger in their mind. When people hear the word American they immediately think of our oppressive military might. You see the difference, mudskin?
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This thread has a stunning lack of Allah fucking Muhammad
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:52:21 No. 17150925 Report >>17150913 >Not knowing who your own grandfather is - not common https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/417588174/#417614719 last (you) that you get from me you spammjng kike
>>17150899 >race founded by brown, hooked nose semites >WE WUZ ARAYANZ Anonymous
>>17150918 me too akhi, me too.
some kufar anon sent by Allah on this board got me hooked and i cant stop
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:53:41 No. 17150929 Report >>17150919 the trinity?
its blatantly false and philosophical dead weight.
No christian understand thus nor takes it seriously.
just another mystery that doesnt need explaining
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>>17150926 Wrong. Christ and Muhammad were Caucasian men. Whites of the world today migrated out from Mesopotamia. Most Middle Eastern peoples intermixed with darker races during slave trades to be one Arab Mamzers, mixed. Europeans are generally the only ones today of pure lineage going back to Adam.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Thu 02 Mar 2023 17:54:16 No. 17150931 Report >>17150921 globohomo is pushing it nowhere.
theyre pushing niggers and shitskins onto white countries
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>>17150925 You dont need these to realise Hitler is not Aryan
Just look at them none of them are tall and blond
It's just like putting nigger leaders in the Republican Party
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>>17150927 tough the POS still sucks at limbs and fingers
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>>17150923 no, when non-Americans think of Americans they see a morbidly obese man riding his scooter to McDonalds.
>>17150742 >guise wut if we made a nation of islam heretical sect but for whites??!1 Not only will you be shunned by those orthodox muslims you try to prop up for, but you will also look like a clown for advocating another nation of islam meme cult but for white people. Islam is the devil's religion with strict rules but it still all ends up to bloodshed and savagery. You are a pedo enabler for advocating for islam. Muhammad was a pedophile and it's even in the mudslime's own reputable hadiths confirming it. Quranism is theologically invalid and a massive cope because without hadiths, the mudslimes wouldn't even know how to do their shitskin mudslime worship and other mudslime practices without it. Your own quran book you're trying to advocate and do mental gymnastics for in order to do so, even stated that the world is flat. You are incredibly low iq.
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>>17150931 >globohomo is pushing it nowhere. wrong
Look at Holywood movies,tv shows and Ads
They are simultaneously pushing extreme feminity and right of women to wear hijab
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>>17150929 The crucifixion
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>>17150736 if you wont be able to sell this thing to (white) women, your movement will be dead in the water
and judging from what you wrote, you wont
enjoy wasting your savings
>>17150894 >mudslime shitskin from bangladesh so desperate for as many new low iq followers as possible that he even advocates for OP with his glorified nation of islam meme cult faggotry The amount of cringe you are generating should blow yourself up and nothing of value would be lost.
>>17150941 Yeah I wouldn't be surprised, all his posts look akin to a bot trying to type in english
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>>17150736 Islamalamb a dang my dingdong!
No gonna happen off you fuck retard
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>>17150736 Jewish philosophy has nothing to do with europeans.
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>>17150946 >as are you Nah, I don't post desperate attempts to shill for a sandnigger mudslime religion like a pr agent programmed to do so.
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>>17150736 The only white Muslim converts are trannies, because Islam is tolerant of them.
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>>17150736 Was happy to see an ultra rare thread about Quranism but i'm brown QQ
remember what they took from you
I don't know why muttland has yet to be range-banned from this website yet. These obnoxious subhumans offer nothing but abject stupidity and their presence lowers the intellectual quality of every thread. What value did they offer to this thread?! They just invaded, made their presence felt, then qualified themselves as the arbiters of what is "white" (when no one asked) then tried to apply their definition of "whiteness" to others. mutts are parasites! Mods, do your job and ban them!
>>17150736 >>17150737 >Considers jews the devil Where does it actually say that? I can’t find it in the Quran.
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>>17150736 >>17150737 Make it a DualOrthodox mosque+church. Devout Christians and Muslims have much more in common then most realize. 2 of the 3 Abrahamic religions teach of Jesus and his wisdom
>the third would kill him again Good luck out there.
>>17150952 The entire mutt identity revolves around "white". It is their religion. They qualify "white" on both sides of the political spectrum. For liberal "white jesus" "so-called" white people "white" is the qualifier that allows them to become the spokespersons and representatives for "all the whites". It is basically christian universalism in secularized form. "As a white person.. shame on you!", or ,"as a white person... let me tell you about Europe".
On the far-right, mutts use "white" as an honorific qualifier that they can give or take away. "You're not white!" is supposed to be the biggest insult.
Anyways, there are no so-called "white" people in Europe, you filthy mutts! And being a mutt immediately disqualifies you from ever defining Europeaness, or claiming anything from Europe.
Your history is that of a dysgenic mutt. That is all you can qualify.
So, when you see the word "European", fuck off!
>>17150952 >>17150955 Rent free, goatfucker
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>>17150953 Non-muslims never had any problem with saying stuff that's not in the Quran is there.
>>17150935 Hello retard, OP said multiple times that he doesn't follow hadith. If you want to criticize Islam then hit him up with Quran (that is if you can).
>>17150951 Every day i tell myself that i can't possibly hate Jews any more than i already do, and every time i get disproven.
>>17150959 wtf are you talking about you are an ally of the jews
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I will not worship your dirty and poorly dressed god
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>>17150957 Whiter than you, Achmed?
You're a traitor and deserves death. You'll destroy Aryan culture. language and alphabet just like arabs did to berbers, assyrians. levantines and other native people of the middle east. The disgusting arab language will not replace the noble aryan languages. Preserving beauty is the duty of every living being. By spreading Islam you declared yourself enemy of life.
>>17150959 >that is if you can >but muh quranism, you are invalid for referencing what millions of muslims follow as they do their mudslime form of worship!!11 Here is the verse (Quran 65:4) in the Quran about the procedure for divorce and references child marriage as it's permissible in its religion. "And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease."
and here is a verse referencing that the world is flat and that the sky is a ceiling in the quran.
Quran 2:22 "[He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him]."
I expect you to do mental gymnastics over this like a retarded low iq mudslime. Without hadiths, you wouldn't even know how to pray, retard
>>17150963 As a BERBER....I gotta say..my language still exists and is thriving in my home region.
Ɛṛeḍ igerrzen.
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>>17150959 that's rude akhi
>>17150964 That says marriage is only permitted with women after puberty, which completely contradicts the jewish written hadiths.
>>17150967 >only permitted with women after puberty Of course a subversive low iq mudslime can't even read properly. It clearly says in "and those who have not menstruated" part of that quran verse outlining how to do a divorce proceeding with a girl that hasn't even menstruated in the first place like a child wife. You are a chomo for advocating for islam, low iq mudslime filth. You haven't even discussed that other flat earther verse in the quran either, like I said all of you subversive mudslimes can only do is mental gymnastics like coping low iq subhumans.
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>>17150736 Islam is outdated anyway and the future of spirituality lies in NDEs as they are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die.
Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:
https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist >"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"." Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.
Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:
>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved." Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.
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>>17150970 Cringe spammer.
>>17150965 Not even 50% of Morrocco population speaks berber. To be precise, only 26% of the population speaks berber. the white berbers in algeria have pathetic birth rates and most just went to France Are you satisfied spreading lies, enemy of beauty and life?
>>17150960 Didn't know i was representing my politicians
>>17150964 "Those who have not menstruated" refers to adult women who lately have not menstruated (ie missed their menses). Not prepubescent girls who never had their menses their whole lives. It's basically a pregnancy check for women.
Quran often speaks of the universe from our POV. Not God's.
Nobody learns prayer from hadith. Speaking of, you sure know a lot about hadith for an American. Sure you are not a second generation ex-Muslim?
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>>17150736 >I am about to pour my life savings into building a mosque why is everybody on this board full of shit?
they are never doing what they say they are doing.
they pretend to have money even though they dont have jobs say they got it all from neetbux or bitcoin or they claim to be making six figure salaries just by working for themselves and they all claim to be over six feet tall and descended from royal anglo saxon families.
once again I am asking:
why is everybody on this board full of shit?
>>17150968 Nowhere in that quote does it say "not yet" menstruated. "Not" menstruated can mean anything, you dumb mutt.
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>>17150972 As an Algerian berber, i frankly do not care.
And FYI: Nobody likes the (((Moroccans))), they're the jews of the Maghreb region and are blacker than the central african tribals.
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Asalamu Alaykum
>>17150973 >mental gymnastics: the post A woman menstruates once a month every month, it would be redundant for the verse to say that the waiting period for a divorce is 3 months if there is no menstruation, yet women menstruate at least once every month if you think it is referring to women that haven't menstruated yet for the month. You are severely mentally retarded for doing mental gymnastics of this proportion. You sure you aren't missing a chromosome. You probably have that glorified flat earther pedo "religious" quran in your cranium instead of a functioning brain. Muhammad literally had a child wife and child wives have been a thing in the middle east for hundreds of years since the time of chomo mohammad. Again I expect you to do mental gymnastics again because you are cursed and too retarded to admit how subhuman and low iq your mudslime religion is.
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>>17150975 Go ahead and read
>>17150978 , however I'm sure you're unable to anyways and your brain only functions on mental gymnastics to cope with your existence
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