The fact that you had the coof before getting vaxxed works in your favor in terms of overall negative effects; those with previous exposure tended to have less drastic inflammatory responses to the vaccine. The inflammatory response is where a lot of your major issues stem from (e.g., myocarditis, immune system getting absolutely wrecked).
Your goal now is to minimize your inflammatory response and undo as much potential damage as possible.
Since you got vaxxed quite a while ago, I don't think ivermectin would be an absolute must for you to take, unless you suffered from any noticeable brain fog or lethargy since then. I still recommend that people have some on hand, as it's great just for COVID in general and is a handy antiparasitic to have stashed in your bunker pharmacy.
Additionally, you should take a low dose aspirin daily. Do NOT replace with ibuprofen or acetaminophen; it has to be aspirin, and only 80 to 100mg. Should you get sick again, feel free to take more as needed and avoid other fever reducers, as studies show they may worsen or trigger inflammatory responses.
Lastly, consider investing in thyme extract (tea also works, which is cheaper usually) and eating at least 1 clove of garlic per day.
So to recap:
NAC, BromAc or Bromelain, Resveratrol, Low Dose Aspirin, Garlic. Take daily for a minimum of 3 months, up to 6 months. Get a blood test ASAP, and get another blood test 6 months from now. Do consider reporting back with results, I'd be highly interested.
Otherwise, I will be also reporting back with my vaxxoid's results; he has already gotten a "before" blood test and will be getting another at the six month mark.