What is this a joke? Yes the 80s were better. Look at what we're missing:
>healthy, hot womenToday:
Leslie Jones
Gal Gadot
>Strong, sane men in chargeToday:
Justin Timberlake runs Canada in gay sox
Name ONE strong, sane white man in media
>LPT you can't>Marge Thatcher in charge of limp-wristed Labour Britbong faggots, makes them go to war and win while most of their men cry in a corner and wet their pantsToday in Britain:
No woman will fuck a white british man, importing millions of '''''''''''''refugees''''''''''' to get a decent cock out of a real man, not some lisping tea-sipping faggot
>nuclear war can end earthKeeps everyone sane. Women knew their place because they figured they would need men to protect them (at least in the US, don't know or care about Europe and their effeminate men).
Men are disposable. All a woman needs is a good vibrator, Youporn, and a nice black FWB to keep her satisfied.