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Even the most fundamental parts of math are false. Take a statement as simple as two plus two equals four, as an example.
You haven't really define what "two" is. There will always be atleast slight imperfection in measurements (also bullshit) and so you can't really even define what two is without resorting to circular bullshit like "oh it's one plus one another undefined number". The universe is very uneven and you will always get different measurements. a Therfore math is not testable and fails the scientific method
The only way to salvage the above is admitting that "Two" is just an idea like a perfect circle, something that can't actually exist. And something you "feel" like exists . But then really math is just your personal idea (opinion) or feelings.
You haven't really define what "two" is. There will always be atleast slight imperfection in measurements (also bullshit) and so you can't really even define what two is without resorting to circular bullshit like "oh it's one plus one another undefined number". The universe is very uneven and you will always get different measurements. a Therfore math is not testable and fails the scientific method
The only way to salvage the above is admitting that "Two" is just an idea like a perfect circle, something that can't actually exist. And something you "feel" like exists . But then really math is just your personal idea (opinion) or feelings.