Always drinken too slow. Maybe need to add 60% to the mix...
What the frick I hardly feel buzzed even. I'm not even that much of a big boy...
>>17206750>i didnt like beer when i tried itDid your dad give you drinken? Not le bulli question. Mine did.
>i only drink for le taste" is cringe, in my opinionYeh yeh.
>"create ze perfect internet persona" cia pilled for ze neo durarara anime aspd discord arcLe ''Aisu is getting too old for this'' vibe check...
Okej, maybe it is coming.
Also, do you think when ure mom gets older and frailerer she would be likely to try and ''mend'' things with you as I think is not uncommon for boomers to do when death comes close... Though I know she did experience that recently with no change so idk, but she didn't get the feeling of not having control over you, so that's important and stuff.