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ID:z9enQK/T No.17253623 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i am one of the rare Americans who cooks and doesnt consume sneed oils. i also work out 4 times a week so i am stronger than any american but would be considered average for a european because i can only bench 240 pounds do 40 pound curls and squat 210 pounds i am scared to go above that with squats. i am more educated than most americans so i know my country is basically a third world shithole and i am trying to leave but its hard to move another state let alone another country. i am still ugly and short so i will never get laid in europe

i never leave the house for anything other than working out at 3 am and to do schizo walks at 3 am. i legit havent interacted with anyone in years i legit just avoid people like the plague because everyone in america is gross lumpy and fat i know everyone in europe is fit and beautiful so i will never get laid there. the average european lives in a nice town/city gets to have the best grassfed beef from a farm thats in walking distance. they also are surrounded by beauty and not stroads walmarts and goyslop. they clearly never suffer

all americans are fat brown smelly gross and balding. there isnt single good looking american outside of hollywood. all of america is just walmart goyslop obesity and gay nigger worship