Whats happening is that everyone took out their gold out of Swiss lands, some went missing, and most went to China... and now mlst of the world is bypassing swift, no dkggits are going through London and the Swiss banks are paniking, but not becUse they cant fake digital cash but because now Saudis, China and Russia plus India and alot of Africa are not even including them or using them much!
And whats worse now that they aboid swift noone can see whos buying what from who.
The Swiss are begging Saudis to not stop at least using those accounts to settle, any currency, but by the looks of it they said no to the "bail outs".
Not only did they say no, they actualy threatended anyone puting oil price caps will not be sold oil to, and specifically mentioned US, threaening US essentially with sanctions and even said rest of thr big oil producers will most like do the same, basically they will.
Problem we have is we cant refine enough quickly to cover the deficit for our dizel! And yet tresonous fools exported alot leabing reserves compromised. It's one thing to have oil, a whole other thing to refine it quickly enough.
Problem is millions of sharks that roamed the world, cabal and their kinions are now fkrced to roam only around here in the five eyes and they are mad, unhindged, used to shark behaviour, wont change, are doubbeling down and are now devouring here quicker then ever on top of us being surrounded and soon to be sanctioned even perhaps on alot of things pljs labs and nukes because military sided with big time idiots that aill unleash labs and will knvite nukes because they have nothing left to lose and wont want to be dug out of their bunkers by the very militery who will be pissed, whats left of it when they sum up what went on after billions die.
And ao on...