I read a bit of this over a year ago. It's a pretty fucked up post-apocalyptic world. Most of the Western population, of all races mind you, has been killed off by nukes and mass-scale slaughter by China and Israel. Yes, Israel.
They have male children get drugged and forced into femininity from birth, and the only kind of activity they're allowed is consuming porn. As they're all literally starving to death in the desolate villages of a nuked region.
The female children on the other hand, get sent to breeding camps before even reaching the age of ten.
Do cuckold fetishists really get off to this premise? It's just dark.
Also, I'm convinced it's an Asian supremacy book in disguise.
It has literally nothing to do with blacks having power. They don't. They're clearly made out to be simple pawns of the Chinese and are below them. They only sustain their power over the wastelands of America because of Chinese backing. They don't have any structure of their own, and will be gotten rid of the second China decides that it doesn't have any use for them as military fodder any longer, which is not long.
Their lives and freedom are controlled just as much as white people's are. The only future a black child has is to be conscripted into the military for the benefit of China or work at a breeding facility. There is NOTHING else.
All access to simple entertainment like the internet, TV, or any kind of real education is gone for both white and black people.
Pretty much all cities are nuclear rubble, except Atlanta, and it's at best the level of today's Detroit.
On top of that, most of these black kangs don't even get to fuck any white waymen. Only the ones in higher-up positions get to, and only ones with specific genetics get to work at the breeding camps. Meaning that you can be black and still not allowed to fuck the white waymen. So they literally resort to going to villages and having sex with the men there.
I'm pretty sure that it's just a high effort shitpost.