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Genetics are the most important lottery ever

ID:SFB6FMMk No.17272942 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Be me
> No hobbies aside from politics and philosophy
> Literally house nerd playing Steam games all my free time
> My only advantages are 9/10 looks and decent confidence
> See a qt3.14 girl at the tram
> No funny smalltalk, just directly asked for her number before she left the tram
> "Sure, anon!"
> First thing she offers is to come to my place for Netflix & Chill™
> She is coming to my place tomorrow
It's literally that easy. No need to work out, have a personality, hobbies, money or connections.
I just won the genetic lottery and now I get to fuck those girls who overlooked half of this board all their youth.
This is honestly the biggest blackpill ever, even for me, who won at this game.