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ID:wLMUJa2f No.17275262 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
everyone in america is drugged up fat and low t with very exceptions unless your rich or just lucky. please ask yourself have you met a american irl who wasnt fat low t drugged up or dumb the answer will always be no. everyone in america has been brainwashed by mk ultra into being a fat consumer. no one in america knows how to cook no one in america ever walks/exercises and no one in america lives in a decent community with friends and family

all americans are fat brown smelly gross and balding. there isnt single good looking american outside of hollywood. all of america is just walmart goyslop obesity and gay nigger worship.all good looking Americans are all cloned or created by ai
>average mutt
>tits bigger than any woman
>high pitch
>brown and gay
>ugly as son