>>17299611And you know what these niggers then keep saying and posting?
"Disinformation is necessary."
Yeah disinfo is necessary to keep the ops covert and hidden and secured and to maintain op sec, but literally every single Q thing that comes true just happens to not be disinfo huh jesus fucking christ these people are retarded.
>>17299624I particularly love how they keep thumping the bible but never quote the bit that says the second beast will bring abundance and wealth and splendour, and all you have to do is sign up with the mark of the beast.
All that shit from the WEF? "You will own nothing and be happy"? That's the opposite of what the Q psyop is promising, yet it shares the exact same prerequisite.
And do you know what these people say when you point out that the Q people never ask for consent and that consent is paramount?
"Good help doesn't need consent".
Fuck them all to hell.
I hope Kalki cuts all their throats slowly.