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No.17303823 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the best case scenario our economy is FUBAR for the foreseeable future
In the worst case scenario we will be engaged in thermonuclear war within a year.


Since it’s still early spring, let’s discuss seeds.
Seeds should be stored in a dark, cool, dry place.
No one is really sure how long seeds can last. An ongoing experiment with weed seeds has demonstrated that some will germinate after over 100 years of storage.
Saving seeds is simple and one plant will give you hundreds to thousands.

How many varieties of seeds do you have right now?
How many seasons can you get through on your current stock?

Me personally, I am just now starting to save seeds, but I have at least 3-4 seasons worth in stock of many different kinds.

If you can’t garden because you live in a city, there is no helping you. You should probably just die.