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What are women thinking?

ID:YC7JdSDK No.1731915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can't understand why women dress like this in public. Yes, I get that you, as a male, are likely sexually excited by the sight of a woman in yoga pants like this. That's my point. It provokes an instinctual response from men that is likened to waving an ice cream in somebody's face without offering any. Men are placed in a position of either actively looking away or staring amd risk being viewed as a pervert. Yes, if a man happens to leer at a woman who is virtually wearing nothing but body paint, the man is at risk of being treated as a pervert and the woman is not generally held accountable for dressing in more revealing clothing than a Hooters employee. There are only two explanations for this behavior: 1. The woman is oblivious to how this affects men. 2. She is completely aware and wants to provoke a sexual response from all men she encounters, regardless of her not wanting to pursue a sexual relationship with most of them. This is rude any way you look at it. It is the exact opposite extreme of making them walk around in a hijab. Why is thus accepted in modern society?