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Virginity is the gold standard for a wife

No.17323377 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have seen people all over the internet and in the real world give advice on marriage - don't marry a girl if she has children, don't marry a girl if she is divorced, don't marry a girl with a high body count.

But I feel people are slowly realizing the ultimate truth: the ideal wife is a virgin.

The most annoying advice is to ditch a girl if she has cheated on you in the past. Does her been through dozens of guys before become completely acceptable if she goes though only one guy at a time? Makes no sense to me.

I want to discuss this topic here as it is a topic of politics and power.

My advice to guys would be that if you want no regrets and get the highest value girl, then get a virgin, i don't care how, go abroad, whatever but don't settle for second hand women.

Also, I believe this to be applicable to men too. Men should be virgins before marriage or you don't value yourself enough to engage in casual sex.