>>17351733The thing about Jew-hunters is that they can find some way to label EVERYONE a Jew.
German surname? Jew.
Your surname contains the syllable Džu? Jew, even if that's part of a word in your native language that has nothing to do with Jews.
1/128th possible Jewish ancestry found when digging around in genealogical records? Jew.
Match Der Stürmer's caliper-based physiognomy for Jews? Jew. (Even though some of the "Jewish" traits are things that accentuate with age, like baldness.).
Mom worked as a domestic servant for a Jew in a culture where employers got to fuck their maids? Jew. (Which prominent Jew was that? Why, none other than Adolf Schickelgruber. Who eventually adopted his mother's uncle's surname when said uncle admitted he was little Adolf's father. And took his own niece as a "domestic servant".)
Said a nice thing about Israel once? Jew. Said a mean thing about Israel once? Jews are behind BDS so also a Jew.
Posted a convoluted argument that the Jew-hunter is too stupid to unpack? A lot of the people obsessed with the intersection of race and IQ say Jews are smarter, so... Jew.
Said mean things about anti-semites? Jew.
Anti-semitic activist who routinely does degenerate things that alienate normies? Jew.
Disagrees with National Socialist orthodoxy on an anonymous message board? Obviously a Mossad op posting from Tel Aviv.
Worship a dead Jew on a stick as the son of God? Jew.
Hispanic? There were secret Jews in Spain so you must be a Jew.