Quoted By:
Seija Kijin
The Counterattacking Amanojaku
As a Yurusanae character
She was turned into a baby and lives with her mom Sagume.
Related characters
She has established friendships with many characters, including the residents of Yurukusanae, some examples of which are listed below.
Mononobe no Futo and Larva bug
She seems to be very fond of Larva bug, calling it "lava".
She also adores her owner, Mononobe no Futo, whom she calls "Lavamama".
A small but reliable friend.
A rival who is trying to mess with her.
Puniseija remastered
From June to July 2022, as the Mongolian Death series resumed and new characters such as Punieirin and Punimyoumaru were added, Puniseja herself received a major upgrade with higher resolution and new material being contributed.
Comparison of original and remastered images