[9 / 3 / ?]
>be in store
>a group of three people taking forever and won't stop hassling and talking to the clerk
>the woman, who's wearing 10 pounds of makeup asks clerk to guess her ethnicity
>clerk says Puerto Rican and woman quickly corrects him and tells him that they're gypsys
>woman was 4 feet tall, one guy had face and neck tattoos and looked filthy/burntout from a meth addiction and other older man smelled like catpiss and was equally dirty
>they paid with food stamps and left
This is the first time I've ever seen a gypsie (I'm sure they weren't purebred roma) but I never want to see another one again.
>a group of three people taking forever and won't stop hassling and talking to the clerk
>the woman, who's wearing 10 pounds of makeup asks clerk to guess her ethnicity
>clerk says Puerto Rican and woman quickly corrects him and tells him that they're gypsys
>woman was 4 feet tall, one guy had face and neck tattoos and looked filthy/burntout from a meth addiction and other older man smelled like catpiss and was equally dirty
>they paid with food stamps and left
This is the first time I've ever seen a gypsie (I'm sure they weren't purebred roma) but I never want to see another one again.