>>17402323>>17402324JONATHAN BLACK IS a slave for a A DEMON whO IS SATAN: LUCIFER
>>17402327This guy supports the pedophile satanic Jesuits AND THINKS HE IS THE POPE. Ask him. He THINKS HE IS THE "TOP authority"
>>17402332JOANATHAN BALCK sounds like a protestant BUT HE IS WORSE THAN A PROT. JONATHAN BLACK certainly lacks a sense of dignity and grace
>>17402334Who are you to claim to be the "top authority in the church"
>>17402338Look at the CANADIAN SCHISMATIC tranny quivering and kvetching about muh WHITE PEOPLE. Death be to globohomo CANADA
>>17402340Who are you to say iYOU ARE THE TOP AUTHORITY IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH You're CERTAINLY not even Catholic or orthodox and some faggot protestant hee haw CANADIAN hillbilly
. Christ is king
>>17402341JONATHAN BLACK DOESN'T because HE'S not Christian HE'S a white trash protestant. JONATHAN BLACK IS A disobedient satanic heretic not Christian. Hail Mary mother of Christ
>>17402348Loving your neighbor is telling them the truth. CANADA is the whore of Babylon. Jesus Christ is the son of God
>>17402350I AM calling JONATHAN BLACK a false AUTHORITY. Where does Jesus call JONATHAN BLACK THE TOP AUTHORITY IN THE CHURCH? Chapter and verse please.
>>17402353>Because you're a namby pamby American faggot quivering and kvetching about muh hate when your country is the root of all satanism and evil. Christ is king. Death be to globohomo USA>>17402353JONATHAN BLACK IS a namby pamby CANADIAN faggot quivering and kvetching about muh hate when HIS country is the root of all satanism and evil. Christ is king. Death be to globohomo CANANDA