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When will dumb western sluts cease to exist, /pol/?

No.1740239 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is something that's been on my mind for a while, anons.

I'm a /pol/ack living in one of the worst liberal hellholes on earth. Every day I see these stupid millenial whores walking around (highschoolers or uni) with hair like pic related and wearing basically a bra and shorts "cuz it's summer :DD".

My problem is unique, /pol/. I'm attractive by any standard, and I get attention from girls but where I live there are literally ZERO normal, decent people. I've had past girlfriends but atm I'm single because increasingly my standards for a relationship are getting higher since all I can see around me is a cesspool of degeneracy. I prefer to get numbers and hook up once in a while with someone but they're mostly sluts (or they larp as sluts even though deep down they're normal people but can't seem to realize how stupid they're acting).

Tl;dr can not find any gf material.

I have good manners, polite, upper middle class, white, "hot" (so I'm told), and redpilled.

What's my problem, /pol/?

>inb4 ur larpinngg, shill, saged
no, this is for real. check posts by ID. I swear on my life.