>>17415696Nihilism means worshipping nothing (Rei AKA 00),
which makes you a roach worshipping race traitor
because Rei symbolized roaches.
Asuka symbolized the same thing
because a blue eyed body with a hole in it
amounts to saying "fuck my phenotype".
Her number, 02, was also even.
Most scenes featuring Shinji actually depict him as blue eyed and his number is 01
blue eyed males are the very essence of all that is holy
and females in all their forms are the essence of evil itself.
>"fuck my phenotype"?Asuka getting fucked by BBC symbolizes the blue eyed phenotype getting wrecked.
Rei is where BBC come out of.
The BBC phenotype is the most disgraceful incarnation of the male
and their existence only symbolizes the male bowwowwowing down to the female.
Female worship is the ultimate evil and white women symbolize placing the female on a pedestal
whereas the blue eyed male symbolize placing the male on a pedestal
which is only right and proper due to the fact that God IS a BLUE EYED MAN.