yeah the mario movie was okay.
I don't really like the way they made Peach along with how they chose to animate her, she's kind of this sassy, strong and independent woman even though she has never really been portrayed that way in previous incarnations of the franchise.
They made Mario kind of a joke of a character, he's kind of clumsy and always making a goodball of himself I guess the character portayals an depictions felt kind of uninspired to me, I guess maybe he's supposed to be this underdog character, but I really wonder why they chose to portray him that way, I have never really seen him that way though I guess I have no idea what his personality would be like.
There's some things in the movie that don't altogether make sense, like Mario almost doesn't have superpowers at all, he's kind of underpowered and the characters rely on "power ups" way too much, it's kind of like this gimick they tried to sell in the film, like this cool thing to kids or whatever it's audience was. The power ups were sort of cool, but in Mario lore he's supposed to have legit powers and is almost like super man or something, he has super strength and agility, it never really shows or depicts any of that, in fact that's what I kind of wished that they had shown more adventuring, and maybe Mario fighting sick enemies, it was kind of lame how he defeated Bowser at the end again, they basically just relied on power ups. It was almost like dragonball at the end, but it's never explained how, since they just omit them having any super powers.
I thought the plot was kind of lame, he just wants to save Luigi.