Do you personally believe niggers are DEMONS, or ANIMALS? There is an important distinction to be made. An animal doesn't really grasp the concept of EVIL, and so everything an animal does is according to its nature. For example: An animal mother will kill or eat its own offspring if it is weak. Humans would consider this evil behavior if a human mother ever did this to offspring, but in an animal context it is what nature does to survive and continue the species even though we find if distasteful as human beings. However, if we view niggers as DEMONIC, that is different. Demons are intentionally EVIL in the biblical context. Whatever we consider to be EVIL, a nigger will intentionally do because they are literal DEMONS given a cursed form in the flesh. A demon will KILL with wild abandon because that is EVIL and what SATAN wants them to do. An evil creature will STEAL because it is INTENTIONAL EVIL and thus what Satan wants them to do - witness the multiple looting of stores that niggers do caught on smartphone camera. Demons will RAPE to sate their own lusts and because it is EVIL - exactly what SATAN wants them to do because it it is the definition of EVIL. You see more and more smartphone and security camera footage of niggers committing murder, theft, violence, rape and so forth. So /pol/: Does it all come from an ANIMAL motivation or a DEMONIC motivation?