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No.17446453 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Greetings fellow patriots, it's time to expose the deep state and their diabolical plot to take over the world! I have insider information from my sources, who are definitely not imaginary, that will blow your mind.

First of all, did you know that the moon landing was faked? That's right, NASA staged the whole thing in a Hollywood studio because they couldn't actually make it to the moon. And the reason they wanted to fake it? To distract us from the fact that the earth is actually flat!

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The real conspiracy is that the world is run by shape-shifting lizard people! Yes, you heard that right. All of our world leaders, from the President to the Queen of England, are actually reptilian beings who have taken human form. They're using their power and influence to control us and shape the world to their liking.

And don't even get me started on the COVID vaccine. It's not just a harmless way to protect ourselves from a deadly virus, it's actually a secret government plot to microchip us all and control our thoughts. If you've gotten the vaccine, I hate to break it to you, but you're already under their control.

But fear not, fellow patriots, because we can fight back against the deep state. We just need to keep spreading the truth and exposing their lies. So don't let the mainstream media fool you with their fake news, and always stay vigilant. Together, we can take down the lizard people and restore freedom to our great nation! #Qanon #FlatEarth #LizardPeople #WakeUpSheeple