>>17462237G4 MLP was based.
Equestria (the country in mlp) is mostly racially homogeneous with nearly everyone being a pony (to the point that they even say everypony instead of everyone). They have a strong military that defends itself well when attacked by foregin entities but are also isolationist and dont try to impose on other lands or effect foreign governments. Its governed by a monarchy that swiftly makes decisions without appeal or balances and strongly promotes its ideology (which is basically just friendship and protecting their nation). Whenever they defeat their enemies they give them the opportunity to reform on the condition that they adopt their ideology and stay loyal to Equestria. Otherwise they either banish their ass or even turn them into stone if they don't submit to their nation.
Despite the monarchical rule, they still allow localities to elect mayors and run their own affairs as long as they don't go against Equestria's interests.
Their society also has a deterministic attitude when it comes to working. Instead of our crap where we learn irreverent crap in schools and aren't expected to figure out what we want to do until we are an adult, in Equestria the ponies find out what they are arent to do in life when they get Cutie Marks at a young age representing what they are good at. They then study until adulthood in order to become the best that they can at their specific craft and are expected to provide in that field as adults.
And on top of all that, Equestria is also mostly pre-industrial and mostly relies on magic instead of technology