So. I'm back bitches. My name is ADAM, by the way. How are we feeling about our chances of getting into heaven while hating trans and gay people, let alone the racism, and generalized vicious and malicious foolishness? Can verify ID if necessary.>t. literally the son of Man so be careful with those replies be very considerate literally got the direct line
>>17465197 >trans No such thing
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PS: i mean god made man and woman for a reason but also jesus died for, well, a reason, and also, he's okay with wholesome, mutually consensual gay relationships (or partnerships/families) in general for he is the god of fullness and LOVE, he doesn't care how it looks, the LOVE transcends ALL sex, gender, everything, because Christ died for ALLLLLLL of our SINS, including for his long lost ADAM.
>>17465198 Be careful! They exist for a reason and they're there for a reason and denying reality is like... what do we call that, oh yeah, DISBELIEF! How long did you people think you could get away with treating trans people like the Jews in Egypt?
I'm the Messiah, we are gonna have to have a serious conversation about this 4chan but girls, you are in DANGER girls.
(I hate SJWs too dwabi)
>>17465200 >They exist Nah, it's mental illness playing dress up
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>>17465197 btw my dad has a great sense of humor and what you think is blasphemy might sometimes be jokes
mary doesn't like that but she'll be fine. intentions matter tho!
>>17465201 >jesus >drank wine >barged into churches >called people hypocrites, broke their nice things >literally walked around in a desert for like 7 days or something >was bipolar >am bipolar ok so let's check ourselves again anon, you see jesus didn't have risperidone.
>>17465197 jews dont go to heaven
in all fields
Gay Son of God !VzdqogKNaI
>>17465204 no they do i mean jesus was jewish and hitler was a soulless automaton created for the express purpose of exacting revenge on the Jews and humbling them, it's not your place to do such a thing anymore
but yes, jews, am i right? so disrespectful sometimes baka
>>17465203 >>jesus Didn't exist
>>17465197 Amen brother. There is no gay or straight in the eyes of the lord! We are all one in Christ!
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>>17465204 How can you say this and be Christian.
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 13:30:37 No. 17465209 Report >>17465206 Ah, behold, the mind of a disbeliever. Sucks to suck. Kneel. Repent before the LORD!
A woman I am NOT!
>>17465209 Sounds like made up personal problems, enjoy
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 13:33:15 No. 17465211 Report Quoted By:
I'm ruling 4chan right now because i can't be assed with the other social media networks right now to be honest and i'm kinda looking for a job rn, so gotta gimme a few on that to get the whole mysterious divine will suddenly popping into the meme feed working...
>>17465197 tell me what Jesus said about the rules of getting into heaven
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 13:35:10 No. 17465213 Report >>17465210 Repent! Please, save yourself! GOD is SO GOOD! You have no IDEA!
>>17465197 fuck you demon nigger, you ain't fooling me
Christ is King
>>17465197 >chances of getting into heaven while hating trans and gay people Zero. Hate is not christian quality. We must be kind to these people and save them by burning them alive likein middle ages so they don't commit more sin and go to hell.
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 13:36:23 No. 17465217 Report >>17465212 1) love thy god who has commanded you to 2) love eachother as you love yourself
it's a light yoke but so fragrant
also if you really, really like and love god, get unleavened bread (communion wafers), put that on the bottom step below a golden ark of the covenant, and have incense lit around it. he loves that shit. he being my dad, by the way.
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>>17465204 You don’t decide that
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 13:38:10 No. 17465219 Report >>17465216 CORRECT!
>>17465215 Uncharitable takes.
>>17465214 Literally was Jesus in the "desert" (um, an underfunded mental hospital) for like.... 2 weeks straight, being tempted by the devil.
Here's what the demons are.
Whatever makes GOD look bad, that's the devil right there.
If GOD is LOVE, and LOVES us ALL, anything that works against that understanding, that is the devil, in the details. Get it?
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>>17465197 >the son of god is a faggot and im THAT faggot! Ngmi
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>>17465217 do you have a reference to heaven, and not just advice Jesus gave?
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
>>17465219 >Uncharitable takes Ah, why should I care about your hurt feelings?
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 13:39:33 No. 17465223 Report Quoted By:
>>17465205 (ps: sorry germany but your dad isn't dead america loves you and so does GOD)
>>17465219 shut the fuck up retard do you think you're the first faggot that tried this in /pol/?
kill yourself
>>17465197 We hate the sin. We pity the sinner.
We destroy those who seek to destroy the good and innocent first before all else... And their allies.
That is all.
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 13:41:58 No. 17465226 Report >>17465222 Sorry, I laughed. We don't do smiting anymore (I mean, I don't have that authority that's my dad but if something gets me mad he might smite it because we can't let corruption spread too far. See Russia and China, and Brazil and South Africa and those Turkish earthquakes..)
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 13:43:35 No. 17465227 Report Quoted By:
>>17465225 >hate >false pity >destruction >destroying the sin is hatred, my friend, a loving person literally does not fight until their back is quite literally against the wall - but please do go on.
>>17465224 Ah yes, a Brazilian. That explains a lot. I might go shopping for a hunk over there some time soon if my idiot doesn't stop playing with me.
>>17465197 Dear god, Op is a gay nigger
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>>17465228 So it seems, so it seems. Childhood trauma (molested) or genetics ?
>>17465197 You don't even know who I am, let alone have an email address.
But your are right hate is not a way to live, you should pity these people and try to help them through their mental health issues - communities could become stronger if you do.
I respect fags decision to openly fag it up. It's their sexuality. But trans Is a disease of the mind, and it's exploding because it's being marketed to people who are young and impressionable. Your guys alliance with that movement is disgraceful. These people need help, and those who do 'transition' need to be seen as the fetishists they are. You guys do a lot of damage by legitimizing them with your unconditional support
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>>17465197 Hi Adam Durden. We’ve been watching you. We’re not happy.
>>17465231 Different sexuality that the norm is also mind disease. Trans is worse because they want to actively mutilate their bodies, but homos are way more susceptible to being pedos. Most priests, teachers, or politicians that didled kids were gay.
>>17465205 >humbling them >made them more rancorous and hateful than ever Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 14:47:58 No. 17465237 Report >>17465230 Sorry sir, who the fuck do you think you are? Asking for the audience, how dare you, literally.
Humans are so fucking ridiculous and I'm glad my dad didn't just instagib me, let alone YOU.
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 14:50:11 No. 17465238 Report Quoted By:
>>17465231 >>17465235 Okay, this is your problem - calling differences "diseases," I will not relent in my onslaught against you.
The answer is right there, in rich High Definition for you.
I've already given you people a lot of material.
>t. an ex fag who used to suck the air out of every room he was in, saved through Jesus, by the irresistible grace of his Father. Now I'm just a Christ like Homo, a Son of Man, and at times, a Son of God. Depends if I'm behaving. Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 14:52:23 No. 17465239 Report Quoted By:
>>17465236 It really wasn't about humbling them per se... humbling was incidental.. and i mean a small plot of land in the middle of a place where everyone hates you... and that's the "home land"... yeah, that's a pretty humble situation. Also their nukes wouldn't work either if it came down to it, lol.
Believe it or not, 1 man deciding to suicide his whole species (oh look, it was me) is ILLEGAL, so nukes bad.
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 14:52:54 No. 17465240 Report >>17465236 God just wanted some dead Jews, lol. Enough said.
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 15:03:56 No. 17465241 Report Quoted By:
>>17465240 They did the most they got the most and now they're dealing with the most and they have humble pie now. MOSSAD exists for a reason, and it's because they actually have to haul ass for Shoah.
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI
Gay Son of God - ADAM - Son of MAN !VzdqogKNaI Sat 15 Apr 2023 15:05:00 No. 17465242 Report Quoted By:
>>17465237 PS. I'm trying to be loving and Christ like here.
May the LORD bless the disbelievers. Amen, I gotta get out of here before I fall into further wrath.
See ya later, alligators.
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>>17465200 You believe that the jews in Egypt were the slaves? Holy shit no wonder you think you are a woman, you are retarded.