>>17483437but what are you wanted to like talk about and bond with people over exactly? but like I said I have had similar experiences where people are not very open minded or intellectual. I was really influenced by liberal ideas when I was younger, I mean like real liberalism that originated from the age of enlightenment, that's all I really understood about politics before I found out about Marxism, is that there's liberalism and conservatism and well I couldn't stand the conservatives because like I said, many of their attitudes and mindsets, you just are supposed to settle down and have kids right away, it's not like this as much anymore, but a lot of areas out there are still like this, whatever you do it's just until you find someone to settle down with or whatever. Everything is quite basic, plain and black and white. I had people thinking I was gay growing up, and I was surrounded by religious people and xenophobes who were scared of the outside world. But a lot of liberal ideas you still see like the remnants of original liberal ideas, but I think they have lost some of their significance and thus if you want to be a relevant thinker then I almost wouldn't put too much importance on liberal ideas in this day and age. But then you are left wondering what ideas exactly are in it's place? Friedrich Netzsche helped me a lot but that's just me personally, I still find him pretty relevant. Honestly it just feels like political correctness, classism, and fascism are the most influential ideas that are most prevelant though I don't know if most people really know this for sure.
You have to understand that the civil rights movement was a literal movement, and the closet we have now is the identity movement kind of culture, there is this old tradition of people getting together to talk like at public venues, or coffee shops wherever to talk about world events and other pertinent topics or ideas that again originated from the age of enlightenment.