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ESG /Esoteric Solutions General - The Lights Knights

No.17486339 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Esoterism is Political as all major institutions and agents of Power Power use symbolism as their tool of control/discourse, and communication with other Elites

These threads are about brainstorming and creating cohesion among esoterically competent and beginner anons who wish to learn how to develop their own skill sets and learn how to thrive and compete in these Astro-Political Jungles

The Light Knights came as an emergent idea from this thread

from this question:
what would happen if Light Knight anons began a decentralized method of co-ordinating esoteric political change
what would it look like?
how could anons participate energetically?
what changes and outcomes would anons like to see?
this is organic and free flowing - boards are open for callers - let's hear it