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ITT: Ways you pwned the Jews

No.17503238 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start.

>Be 18. Middle class German-Irish background.
>Be lazy but very smart, get to go to MIT for undergrad.
>Meet cute girl. Blonde, blue eyes. Petite, about 5'3" and 115 lbs, most of that in her milkers. Never had boyfriend before due to private all girls-school. Grew up rich and sheltered.
>Share interests of vidya, reading, sci-fi/fantasy.
>Always thought I was smart, but she's super ridiculously smart. Has a great uncle with a literal nobel prize.
>Catch: she's Jewish.
>I don't care, start dating her. Her mom and grandmother aren't happy I'm Catholic. Her dad doesn't seem to care, cool guy. However, her dad looks like every caricature of Jews the Nazi's produced.
>Junior year she goes through RCIA and converts to Catholicism. Her mom and grandmother are super pissed. Dad still doesn't care.
>Become engaged. Waiting to have sex until marriage because we're kinda trad.
>Marry after college. She was definitely a virgin.
>She gets accepted to PhD program at top tier university. Can't say which because don't want to dox my dumbass.
>Start having kids. Her mom and grandmother start softening.
>Decide I should be stay at home dad because kids shouldn't be raised by strangers.
>Have 3 kids now. All of them blue eyed, blond haired. 99th percentile on every standardized test they take.
>Wife is making around 400k per year now. I stay home and mostly play vidya, read books, and fuck around on the internet.
>When in-laws bite the dust, will inherit 8 figures from them.

Life is good, bros. We still have sex about 3 times a week and she's literally my best friend. Glad I was able to purify her Jewish bloodline with my gentile seed.