>>17505801The whole reason why men seek sex is ultimately for their own pleasure, not to pleasure the girl.
Not even the prostitutes I paid bothered to pleasure me, even though I paid them to, so if you worry about you ability to pleasure females, you are valuing yourself below the level of a prostitute. Don't do that to yourself, because no one would respect you for it.
>>17505817Interviewers will have to rely on how you appear and sound in the interview, not exactly on your true character.
People appear and sound weak and incapable if they are worried that they might say or do something that others won't like.
That eats up your brain's processing when you are trying to speak in real-time, and every instance of a 'lag' or 'glitching' will make you sound weak and error-prone.
You'll have to just come to terms with the face that at best about half of the people you meet in real life won't like what you say regardless of your intentions and the other half you meet will either like you or give you a chance.
Even the most popular person in the nation becomes the president by getting only slightly above 50% of the popular vote in most elections. If they can only get about 50% of the entire population to like them enough to give them a shot despite saying all the nice things and in just the right way, well, that's just how humans are.
If you need to practice in appearing and sounding strong and capable, pick a strong and capable character of your choice, whether its a real life (e.g Ho Chi Minh) or fictional (e.g John Wick) and see if you can copy their mannerism and style.
Put it to test by just forcing yourself to meet and speak to people you don't really care about and see their reaction, and make changes accordingly to refine your gesture and speaking.
It might take numerous trial and error to get it right, but it worked for me.