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No.17511235 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuck it, I made a thread on /x/ about this and it's still up, but I know all of you don't go there. Here we go:
So I had an alien experience that happened over 3 days a couple months back. I have no photographic evidence. There was three people including myself, but only I and my other friend could see them. The other friend is the one who told me about them before she moved in with us, and I did infact experience what she told me would happen. We even made music together, and they gave me the notes to play. A lot of things happened over these three days.
Before I even begin to write out what happened (because it's a long story), is it best to keep my mouth shut? Is it even worth typing out? Could I be in actual danger if I tell these things to the public?
To the anon who is reading this, if you feel like I'm baiting you then don't waste your time, just ignore the thread because I promise I'm not here to mislead anyone; what I want to do is discuss my experiences to see if anyone else has had similar experiences, but I don't want it to be futile. Since I have no evidence, is the only option I have to write it out and hope people believe me? wat do? I don't want to have an endless amount of replies calling me schizo, and I've spent months thinking if I want to discuss it or keep it secret for my entire life, but I feel I am doing a disservice to humanity by keeping it locked away, but without evidence what's the point?
>why didn't you get pictures
I was told that if you try to take pictures of them, they would leave and not come back, and their behavior in general was unthreatening so I didn't want to scare them away.
Picture very much UNRELATED, did not look like this.