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No.17516149 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me 2016
>no friends
>no gf
>no job
>play vidja
>browse the chans
>identify as an incel
>support trump for the keks
>join alt-right discords
>everyone hates jews and black people and brown people, etc
>never actually meet non-white people because I'm an incel and never leave the house
>tell discord friends i hate the same people they hate to fit in
>meme so much i convince myself I actually do hate those people
>fast forward to 2020
>covid happens
>friends say it's just a chinese flu, it's fake, it's da jooos
>laugh it off
>few months go by
>actually get covid
>nearly die
>jewish doctor and indian specialist save my life
>hispanic nurse literally tends me back to health for a month
>log back on discord
>tell "friends" I almost died
>they laugh and call me a liar, fake virus, trolling etc
>insist it's real and tell them the people they told me to hate literally saved my life
>they ban me from the server
>whatever their loss
>live my life
>stop being neet
>get a job in a kitchen
>working with hispanic people
>they train me up from dishwasher to linecook
>qt african american waitress starts working
>hispanic co-workers tell me she likes me
>encourage me to ask her out
>i ask her out
>"damn, i thought you'd never ask, anon"
>mfw we're still dating and talking about opening out own soul food restaraunt
>mfw getting covid was the best thing that ever happened to me
>mfw love wins
>mfw i beat the hate psyop

feels good man