OP did you know the story of the angels being cast out of heaven and satan controlling the earth can also be read as an allegory of personal development?
Basically satan and his legion of fallen angels represents our animal, human, base instincts and desires- the part of us that drives us to 'sin' or carry out self-destructive actions and habits and patterns of thought/behavior
While the angels (led by Archangel Michael), Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit, God the Father, all represent different aspects of our higher self, which leads us to avoid self-destructive or maladaptive actions and patterns.
So every time you are faced with a choice between 'sinning' or doing something that hurts yourself, and doing something that is good for you, and you choose the latter, it symbolically represents the triumph of God over the powers and principalities that govern this material world and everyone in it (like you and me).
I think there are also more literal meanings and layers in this story of the war in heaven between the angels, but I personally find a lot of meaning in it for my personal journey towards health and balance and connection with God as well.
Or, like my grandma says, listen to the little voice of God in your mind, ignore and laugh at the devil telling you to make unhealthy decisions. Listen to Jiminy Cricket, the Holy Spirit, instead, and let the life-giving waters of Holy Love enter your soul.
Good luck and blessings to OP and to everyone who reads this. We're all going to make it.