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Domino's here is fucking bullshit on delivery
26€ for a mid (29cm diameter), 33€ for a large (38cm)
There's a 50% discount you can apply which leaves mids at the """low""" price of 13€ and larges for 16.5€, and it's mutually exclusive with their 2X1 and 3X1 discounts which use the full price
Telepizza's more of the same: 25€ a mid, 16€ on discount; 32€ a large, 23€ on discount. Not even a full 50% discount. And same"deal" on 2X1 and 3X1 using full prices
Both sites are atrociously designed, too. You can totally miss the discounts or think you need some coupon or some shit, and end up paying the whole 25€ bucks for a measly mid-sized pizza delivery.
Pickup barely lowers the price on telepizza, but at least you still have some 2X1 and 3X1 discount options. Domino's won't allow any of those on pickup but it's 1/4th the price of a fullpriced delivery.
t. spent an evening charting out price-to-surface ratios for different combinations.
By the way best ratio (beating even domino's 3x1 delivery) turned out to be telepizza's brand new "mega-mid" (advertised as 33cm, turned out to be 31cm), but selection is limited to like 4 and the two I tried out all suck. Pick up only, and you can bet they'll jack up the price sometime soon after the novelty wears off. Haven't done the math on telepizza's 100cm "limousine"
Rather pop a shitty 4€ refrigerated store-bought pizza in the oven instead