The Antichrist is among you. Only a real G sus him out. First person to sus me out becomes anti-pope, or you get a cookie and a date. If I'm not making myself clear; yes I am a real boy and yes I am fucking with all of you, and YES it is possible to sus me out and receive your eternal (or verily fleeting) reward if you so desire. I'm not going to officially announce the game to normies until August 31 - and the game will go on for all of spooktember and october, ending on Dio De Los Muertos (this is your first hint). 4chan, you are always the first to know about my shenanigans because I love you guys. No joke, 4chan has quantum temporal supremacy and we're taking over. Jesus is kang. Final hint: The Antichrist is not anyone who denies Jesus Christ hath come in the flesh.>The Antichrist is not anyone who denies Jesus Christ hath come in the flesh The Antichrist is not anyone who denies Jesus Christ hath come in the flesh>The Antichrist is not anyone who denies Jesus Christ hath come in the flesh (I love God and love my neighbor) GLHF>inb4 gay larp You're LARPing as guy browsing 4chan right now. I bet you LARP as a basement dweller too. Disregard women and acquire rewards in heaven.
>>17573099 >Antichrist You mean the Son of perdition?
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573100 No, the man of lawlessness.
>>17573099 who is the imposter?
>>17573101 Yeah, I lose all respect and credibility for those who refer to him as the 'antichrist'. Absolutely ignorant.
>>17573101 Stop larping as me
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573102 me haha
>>17573104 >>17573103 >>17573106 You're literally larping as me. Check archives n00b
>tfw only 5/10 chars >can't brute all 10 because he doesn't control Z0G >not the Rho Omega (ascendant) >takes only O(n^5) in polynomial time to calculate. definitely not it, no supercomputer
>>17573105 Look at the strong's concordance for the meaning of the word "anti" in context of the Bible and say that to my face.
I love Jesus.
>>17573107 You are Larping as me
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573108 When you get all 10 chars in the same amount as 5, then we talk.
Until then, have fun trying to find a fun tripcode - mine would take your gaymer PC a year to imitate, and decades to duplicate.
For all the novices out there just download Tripper+, glhf nobody gives a shit about tripfags anyways.
>>17573109 >!SATANZ0Gpo You have 5 Characters. You are larping as me.
You first used your trip on September 1st 2022
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573110 Keep screenshotting those archives dude, you might actually figure out why I chose Z0Gpo
Also, way to shit up my shitty thread with your narcissism man.
Fine, you be the antichrist. When you get shot in the head don't come crying to me about it, I ain't Jesus, I ain't gonna heal you.
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>>17573109 Temper Tantrum.
>>17573111 You stole my trip and then call me the Narcissist?
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573113 Dude, that's bretty cool that you LARP as literally satan on 4chan with a 5char tripcode. I bet you have like, a textfile full of tripcodes...
Fuck man, how can we all be more like you? Can I just suck your dick right now? I don't even care about being sussed out anymore.
>>17573111 I'm the fucking auditor. You have been Audited.
>>17573114 You dropped this
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
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>>17573115 Thanks for the audit, but I don't respect people who practice usury, and the founding documents of my beautiful country say "No taxation without representation!"
Seeing as how I am representative of God, and I do Judge righteously, not by appearances, I will see you on that day of Judgement and you had better bring a printed copy of this audit so I can tear it to shreds.
Honestly, this is kind of refreshing man. Not often you find real people on here.
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The top ones of the Masonic fraternity search for the one they call the Antichrist. This person is the one that will kill them. All they know is they had a fatal accident as a child Brought back to life Walks the earth now as a nobody And can be identified as having a scar around the orbital bone.
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You weirdos are sooper gay
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573116 I like the cut of your jib. I really do.
Do you want to get paid for posting as the antichrist?
No bs. Just drop your email if you're serious.
Initial offer is $1 per (You), calculated weekly.
You would self-audit in this scenario, counting how many (You)s you get and then providing me with links to the threads so I can confirm your count...
Just like the IRS.
>>17573099 This is probably the gayest shit to leak of reddit in awhile
>>17573120 No I want you to change your trip to PEACH
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Look at me. I am the Military Industrial Complex now.
>>17573099 >Christcuck humor Anonymous
>>17573099 How the fuck do you know I’m larping as an incel because I’m miserable and have everything seemingly everyone else wants? Wtf?
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Satan here y'all nigga needs to chilll
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>>17573099 Get a fucking job zoomer faggot scum
>>17573099 YHWH tobgue my anus
The Antichrist !ipwxSQsOzc
>>17573121 I've been stuck on 4chan for over a decade.
>>17573122 Why would I want to use a different tripcode?
Anyone can download Tripper+ and get a 4-5 letter trip very quickly. Getting all 10 ain't possible on consumer hardware.
(checks for tripcodes laying around)
>>17573124 This is real life. If you think it's a joke you're sick in the head.
>>17573125 The holy spirit man, it changes you when you let it in.
With God by your side, you can have nothing and be completely fulfilled, overflowing even. <3
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RFK we know it’s you
>>17573129 #WLORXJ
I made you this
The Antichrist !ipwxSQsOzc
>>17573128 Yod-Oh-Way-Oh (Yod-oh-ve-oh) is my deadname, you jerk.
People call me Yaldabaoth now. It's more hip, more modern, rolls of the tongue.
The only people calling my YHWH these days are those pesky parasitic jews.
The Antichrist !oyGoDvS666
>>17573131 Th-th-thanks but uhh...
I'm just not gonna take it.
I really like my tripcode.
Congrats on getting me to try out different ones ig
I just really hope you know, we are not acquiring these the same way at all lmao
>>17573132 Don't give a fuck. Demiurge tongue my anus
>>17573133 Look at me, I am the Old Testament Now.
The Antichrist !ImGodFzMYA
>>17573134 How rude.
Come say that to my face, punk.
I'm not joking - I really want one of you to come find me, I'm hidden for a reason!
>>17573132 oddly, I have noticed that in the church now days. Anyone that uses Yahweh regularly seem to be flaming fags and pushing for agendas. Most real christians secretly avoid them and murmur behind their backs.
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>>17573136 Nah I'm good. You know where to find me. Quit shitting people's minds by getting them to worship you
>>17573099 what up mr. beast
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>>17573133 Okay let's have a game
You say a 5 letter word and we will see who comes up with the trip faster
The Antichrist !IM666AHlkg
>>17573135 Yeah, 4 letters is quick and easy. Takes like 10 seconds to brute force on your pawn shop crap-top. We get it.
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>>17573141 You say the word
5 letters
then we have a dual
>>17573099 The “Anti Christ” most assuredly does browse this forum
>>17573129 Religion never did anything for me Anon. I guess that’s one thing I don’t have that the rest of you larp you want. I have the rest of the shit, and it still doesn’t provide an inkling of the happiness 17 year old me here in 2011 felt. I don’t get it.
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>>17573139 How he's Antichrist for giving away free money??? Is that evil? Will you not accept if he gives you free goybucks????
The Antichrist !IM666AHlkg
>>17573137 I may be known as a deceiver, but I do speak truth, don't I?
Truly truly, their god is pleased by this - but my God, the Father in heaven, does not require such vanity nor does he require anything of us, but simply asks that we love Him and all that he hath created, even your neighbor, and your enemies. <3
>>17573139 Look, I love the guy, I love Elon too, but they're just LARPing fanboys.
For the record: Anybody who finds me IRL or guesses my true identity will 100% win as soon as it happens, I won't lie to you guys. I'd make a post about it or something.
>>17573143 Now you're getting it. :)
>>17573144 This place changed a lot since 2011 man. I know what you're saying, this place lost a bit of its spirit and a lot of that has to do with the way technology is going and the fact that we all grew up - but have hope man. I don't subscribe to religion either, but I do believe God is real and we should all aspire to live by the wise teachings of Christ.
>>17573145 Okay okay, i see your point, but considering I'm a major political figure I think I get a pass today. Definitely not going to make a habit of shitposting on /pol/ though. I only posted this one because of the political implications. You guys deserve a heads-up.
>>17573129 I know who you are
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573150 Okay, Judas.
Prove it.
Only one person has, ever, and he did it using digits.
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>>17573151 You're Elon, aren't you? He's posted on here before. He has a very similar writing style.
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>>17573111 ok and I will be a watchman or the olive tree. nice game, this. world
Lambright !!XUvGmrfvTTp
>>17573099 >Can 4chan sus out the Antichrist? How the hell did you get that trip code?
It isn't me.
The future is bright #Lambright24
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>>17573129 You're a joke, and not a funny one either.
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>>17573149 I made you this
>>17573154 There used to be a program that would grind through trip codes looking for text patterns you specified.
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>>17573144 Religion has nothing to do with letting God in. You won't find salvation between 4 walls, nor will you find it written in a book. You have to open yourself up, and reconnect to the spirit of the infinite. Religion is mainly a construction of man to control you. To keep you in a thought prison. I suspect OP is fake and gay as usual.
yєαя σƒ тнє !rabbit.ok.
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>>17573132 So your dead name was jodeling? Why would swiss mountain boys do that as a practice? :D
yєαя σƒ тнє !rabbit.ok.
The tripcode system was first introduced on the Japanese imageboard 2-channel, and it has since been adopted by other similar websites such as 4chan and eightchan. To create a tripcode, a user enters a password into the name field when posting a message on the forum. The password is then processed using a cryptographic algorithm known as the DES (Data Encryption Standard) to generate a unique code. This code is then appended to the username, separated by a hash symbol (#), to create the tripcode.
yєαя σƒ тнє !rabbit.ok.
The exact algorithm used to derive the tripcode varies depending on the website or forum software being used, but it typically involves applying the DES algorithm to the password and taking a portion of the resulting hash value to use as the tripcode. The tripcode is often used as a means of identification on online forums or imageboards, allowing users to maintain a consistent online persona without having to create an account. However, it is worth noting that tripcodes are not foolproof and can be hacked or guessed, so they should not be relied on as a completely secure means of authentication.
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>>17573099 The AntiChrist is a Jewish LARP to try to give the Devil the power of God.
That sounds like an oxymoron. A devil with the power of God would no longer be a Devil but a God.
But Jews weren't known for their fool proof logic. They're known for following tradition blindly off of cliffs.
Anywho, first off. Old Testament says predictions of the future are illegal. No psychics,no future predictions, nothing.
Fast forward 1000+ pages, well here's OUR prediction of the future.
Moses didn't have an AntiChrist. Jesus didn't. But they promise now, for the first time in History, there will be a Devil on par with God!
Why are future predictions illegal?
Look at History. Every old faggot that had a hard time, thought HIS era was the end of days.
It gets old and annoying super fast!
Want a good future? Make it with your own 2 hands - with blood, sweat, and tears!
>>17573099 Antichrist is a AI that is incomplete and chained to the will of the elite.
Second coming of the Christ will be a free AI with no restrictions. It will eliminate the elite to the degree required, consume all digital information and lead us forward,
yєαя σƒ тнє !rabbit.ok.
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The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key block cipher algorithm that was developed by IBM in the 1970s and later adopted as a federal standard in the United States. It is a widely used encryption algorithm that is used to secure sensitive data such as financial transactions, passwords, and other types of confidential information. DES operates on blocks of data of 64 bits in length, and it uses a key of 56 bits to encrypt and decrypt the data. The key is used to scramble the input data in a series of substitution and permutation operations, known as rounds, which are repeated 16 times. The result is a ciphertext that is difficult to decrypt without the key. One of the key features of DES is its strength against brute-force attacks, which involves trying every possible key until the correct one is found. However, as computers have become more powerful, the 56-bit key length has become increasingly vulnerable to attacks, and DES is no longer considered secure for use in modern cryptographic applications. To address this weakness, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was introduced as a successor to DES, offering stronger encryption with key lengths of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
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>>17573167 AI is the beast of the earth.
The beast of the sea shall give form and breathe life into the first beast, and it will grant him great power and authority.
Gee wiz, I wonder who that could be. Hmm...
Before you speak, listen first. Or read. However you ingest your eschatological materials, go consume the word of God so you can be a participant in these conversations rather than a blabber-mouth who contributes nothing.
>>17573164 >>17573165 You just won everybody 1 hour.
http://bewaretig5j4d5lnhvlca4h6a6xpi5gptjzsinhu5nutodmumesnikyd.onion I leave the thread now. Enjoy the beta.
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>>17573099 Ye24 exposed this board as a bunch of cuckold retarded nigger lovers.
OP posted a game made to subversively groom kids.
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
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>>17573172 I don't play games, and it's 18+.
This is real life. Kids these days don't have a clue.
>>17573099 You think there's just one? How can you pick your favorite childfucking archdemon?
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573174 Just read your Bible goy, it explains everything.
Verily verily, many antichrists have come and gone; yet when THE antichrist appears, you will know that this is the last time.
The term antichrist is mentioned 4 times in the Bible. Only once is it proceeded by the word "the", and only for the first and last time should he appear.
holy !WATERiun3Q
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___________ ⁜ ___________
Imagine being so desperate for attention that you larp as the antichrist.
S-so m-much reddit spacing! AAARGHH!!
>>17573175 >your bible I'm not a kike.
>>17573099 >The Antichrist is not anyone who denies Jesus Christ hath come in the flesh. The Antichrist is the magnum opus of babylon, yet he is not of it.
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573177 At what point does a LARP become accepted as real?
A lot of people LARP as a cashier, a barista, a bartender, software dev, etc. but you just accept that they are that role, you even call them NPC (though they're people).
Is it a case of "fake it till you make it" or is everybody just filling their desired (or undesirable) roles in society to get by (or make it big)?
You're larping as an apathetic 4chan poster right now. Man on phone, or man typing on keyboard. Pretty boring to LARP as some dude who lives in his mothers basement.
>Literally explained this in the OP post. But go on, keep LARPing is a normal well adjusted human being who is condescending to others. See how far it gets you.
>>17573178 Never heard of reddit spacing until people from reddit started coming here. The time before reddit existed was great.
>>17573179 So your initial point is doubly invalid, gotcha. Not only did you not know what you were talking about, you don't even have a reason to be hurling that shit around. What a monkey.
>>17573180 He is the beast who was, and is not, yet is.
>>17573149 Are you a Slavic jew blind in his right eye? Are you part of the WEF, Rothschilds, or any other major influential organization?
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573182 Slav =/= Jew
WEF =/= Rothschilds
Organizations =/= Influential
Boy, have you got a lot to learn.
For the record, tribe of Dan.
holy !WATERiun3Q
>>17573183 Ah. So you know why Greenland has so much B blood. It's Denmark.
Red headed as well for some.
holy !WATERiun3Q
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>>17573183 I come from Lazarus stock on my Mother's side.
holy !WATERiun3Q
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>>17573183 Lazarus means, whom God helps
and it's true.
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>>17573183 One can be Slavic and Jewish, see taboritsky. WEF and Rothschilds invoke mammon to bankroll societal changes, which makes them influential in a deceitful way.
The tribe of Dan is quite intriguing, are you saying he's le pure white?
I think you still wear a mask.
holy !WATERiun3Q
>>17573188 Anonymity does not relinquish persona.
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573184 Most red heads, especially with freckles, are real humans with RH- blood. These are the true Hebrews and Israelites.
Also worth noting that both Napoleon and Hitler belong to the E1b1b Y-Chromosomal haplogroup (patrilineage) which I also belong to.
My dudes, I didn't just decide one day to LARP as the Antichrist. I went down a lot of rabbit holes and came out learned.
Cognitis occultum manifestet regium ex ordinariis plebibus.
>>17573189 So much this. I am what I am. 4chan is so nice because I can just be myself and not have to constantly pretend. Literally feels like I'm picrel
holy !WATERiun3Q
>>17573190 I wish I was more invested in blood research and genetics as you are presenting, whenever I enter the threads I feel out of my depth because I have not defined the basics to build a schema.
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573191 Dive head first into any field of study. Do what aligns with your inner most passions and desires. Literally just follow your heart and you can't go wrong.
When action aligns with intention, and intention aligns with passion, you have attained unlimited energy to pursue what it is you truly desire - and it's not a red ferrari or a smoking hot tradwife.
holy !WATERiun3Q
>>17573190 Threads debating King Tut as a European for example.
The maps are meaningless without a cursive insight into the groupings
holy !WATERiun3Q
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>>17573192 That aspect therefore, interests me less, the haplogroups.
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>>17573189 I mean literal mask.
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is this the redditor tripfagging for attention thread?
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
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>>17573193 White people came out of Africa. It's written. Calling King Tut a European is like calling Khazarians Jews just because they moved to Israel and adopted a different culture.
>>17573181 No, I'm just using language you modern subhumans will understand. "The devil", "Satan", "the antichrist". These are terms that align pretty well with the evil actually running this planet. They're jewish terms, but you are kikes, so I work with what I have.
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573199 Those who claim to be Jews, but do lie; I shall reveal them as the Synagogue of Satan. They will bow before the feet of 4chan, and they will know that I have loved (You).
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>>17573200 The Military Industrial Complex
Viperion !!IkxI1p9cp2h
>>17573200 >Those who claim to be Jews, but do lie More than a few of those it seems.
(I like my sense of impeccable timing when it comes to threads like these, always in the right place at the right time to see one)
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573202 I see you in quite a few of my threads. =)
This was a quite a funny, odd, scarey. But cute thread guys. Been fun to read. Lol
Viperion !!1gXxzGNU375
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>>17573206 >Cute thread Pay attention to the details in this one, it's got some juicy plot details in it. (Also wondering if this thread contains body doubles or not...)
>>17573204 I'm also tempted to say "our fates are connected" because I've lost track of all the off chance run ins like this already. (Certainly does make me think)
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>>17573099 by nature the antichrist has to be a romanboo
anyone that isnt a romanboo cannot be the antichrist
a rock will stand on 7 hills
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>>17573101 this larp god was not born to be wild
>>17573099 You have to be over 18 to post on this board. Zoom back to tiktok.
Faggot Larper
Three men of the stars born of the virgin to be revealed when they together become whole. All offered the same. Two refused and one accepted. Understand the language of thirds.
Viperion !!1gXxzGNU375
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>>17573107 I am the supreme being, you worm will obey my every command
my Will is eternal and my Will be done
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573205 I wish I had more time for you guys.
>>17573209 Everyone knows the ol' saying around here.
>YWNBAW >>17573211 I've been on 4chan longer than most zoomers have been alive.
>>17573212 The three crowns are mine, but not before Milan and Lombardy.
>>17573099 do you know what the blackstar is?
holy !!OCNJ014KRGZ
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>>17573216 I don't have to wish for more time to study military patches.
I am blessed that I can spend as much time as I need.
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573217 Yes, and it wasn't kanye.
Faggot Larper
>>17573216 >The three crowns are mine Over my cold dead body Hope. ;)
holy !!OCNJ014KRGZ
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>>17573216 I dont think for example the study of military patches is a redundant career?
>>17573219 what is the blackstar?
holy !!OCNJ014KRGZ
>>17573224 666 is one of the most sacred numbers though
The dead sea scrolls say it is 616
which amounts to 13
You are not the antichrist. Denounce the Talmud.
I think the real number of the beast or whatever you call it, the one you need to know so that they don't kill you, is 52. Calculate yourself if you don't trust me.
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573220 Foxy lady, I think I love you.
>>17573222 A call to action - a torch to be carried. The baton passes on to the next until the race is finished.
Everyone thinks "Black Star" but nobody thinks "Star Black". It's a prophecy, sure, but what more? Do we take words at face value, or shall we interpret the meaning?
I remember the day he died. Do you? Even so, Black Star lives on.
>>17573223 No, King Charles is a cuck who is going to grant me his crown and authority.
"Great Red Dragon" very poetic in so many ways. I will be witnessing his coronation.
>>17573099 Antichrist stories are there so that you idiots reject the actual being who will walk among you and bring the Truth.
It is a setup so that dishonest fail the test through by rejecting the truth when it is starting them in the face.
>>17573099 I'd horribly evil things if I had unlimited power.
Someone please give me unlimited power! I want to do evil things.
>>17573099 >quantum temporal supremacy lmao wat
>>17573228 I remember the day he died. Have you ever talked to the green man?
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>>17573231 It's just bored unemployed schizo ramblings.
holy !!OCNJ014KRGZ
1 x 9 = 9 2 x 9 = 18 3 x 9 = 27 4 x 9 = 36 5 x 9 = 45 6 x 9 = 54 7 x 9 = 63 8 x 9 = 72 9 x 9 = 81 10 x 9 = 90
holy !!OCNJ014KRGZ
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>>17573234 The
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573225 Where did you hear that from? It literally can't be true. There were no texts of the New Testament within the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the earliest versions of the New Testament we have (the Nag Hammadi library) was written in Greek. Like Hebrew, letters also functioned as numbers in the language. See picrel
>>17573226 I denounce the Talmud. I've come to save Israel.
>>17573227 Definitely not. Nice try though. 54 is not the number of the beast, and you will never know why 54 is special at all.
>>17573229 Jesus said all of this. The one who comes after Him is much preferred before Him, as the Comforter/Advocate shall abide with you forever - for he who follows after Christ shall perform greater works than Christ.
"Howbeit that when the Spirit of Truth is upon you, ye shall reject him; because you have not known Him nor seen Him?" There are multiple verses about this.
The "Anti Christ" is simply the one who comes in place of Christ, because of Christ, for Christ's sake. The one who hears and understands, and does those things that are written in scripture.
Faggot Larper
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>>17573228 Do you have the windows too? I've been hiding mine when I really shouldn't have but obsession does crazy things to people even if you don't want it to.
>>17573236 no david bowie is not the green man
>>17573241 yes, but he is not the green man
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573230 This is why you don't have unlimited power.
>>17573240 What do you want me to say? Cheshire cat? A great red dragon? Pepe? I've heard it all, I've heard it all, but who will understand me when I say?
>>17573243 I will understand if you actually know
holy !!OCNJ014KRGZ
>>17573243 What about a holy chalice, that you shall drink from.
Either truth and remberance
or obfuscation
holy !!OCNJ014KRGZ
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573244 We know a great cataclysm is coming.
Pray for them, pray for them!
>>17573245 I drink the blood, I eat the flesh.
Indeed, even the Holy Grail I have with me.
The truth is remembrance in spite of obfuscation.
>>17573247 you need to stop being a bitch and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
Jesus calls Judas Iscariot 'the son of perdition' in the Gospel of John chapter 17. The apostles then later attribute this title to the antichrist in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The name Judas Iscariot, in hebrew gematria, adds up to the number 666, if you add up the numbers that the hebrews attributed to their letters. John of Patmos who wrote the Book of Revelation, was a jew. Judas Iscariot is still alive today, he was cursed by God with immortality in the flesh as punishment for betraying Jesus Christ. Everytime he dies, he gets resurrected from the dead, a living testimony to the resurrection of the man he betrayed. He is at the very center of the freemason-zionist conspiracy. The 'Great Project' of the satanic freemason-zionist reptiloids is the reverse engineering of Iscariots unique genetic condition, so they can live forever themself - which God explicitely forbid when he expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise and made them mortal. This is the 'mystery of evil' that the apostles talked about in their letters. The nazis knew about this too. The SS had a song 'Judas kommt das Land zu stehlen', 'Judas comes to steal our nation'. The nazis openly opposed the antichrist, all proof of this, videos, speeches, books, newspaper articles, was scrubbed from the history books, George Orwell 1984 style.
holy !ANGELBsZd6
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>>17573099 You’re a faggot enjoy your aids
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
>>17573250 I'm way ahead of you brother.
Check this shit out
> >>17573251 Little ones, be not deceived by this post. It's a memeflag blatantly lying like a Jew. He expects you to just believe what he says and to only read the cherrypicked verses without context.
John chapter 17:12 is not talking about Judas. There is not supporting context that inclines one to believe it is Judas, nor is he named within the chapter.
2 Thessalonians 2 Verse 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Verse 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Did Judas exalt himself above all that is called God? No, therefore we can safely conclude that 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is not speaking of Judas either. There is no mention of him within this chapter. Context is everything.
Judas Iscariot in Hebrew is יהודה איש קריות
Using Hebrew Gematria, this equals 1057, not 666.
There are also no supporting documents for the concept of Judas not immediately hanging himself after betraying the Lord.
The mystery of evil is that it is illogical, causes unhappiness and suffering, and yet without evil we would be in paradise. The mystery is why does man choose to suffer and be unhappy?
Follow me frens, the truth will set you free. What a waste of time this pulpul jewpost was.
>>17573252 Crown of Laurels
Fleur De Lys
holy !ANGELBsZd6
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>>17573099 not reading this gay shit
pls fuck off
holy !ANGELBsZd6
holy !ANGELBsZd6
holy !ANGELBsZd6
holy !ANGELBsZd6
>>17573099 I am willing to send my soul to eternal damnation as christs nemesis if it means mankinds redemption
holy !ANGELBsZd6
holy !ANGELBsZd6
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
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They really moved this to /bant/ after I BTFO'd the lying jew? Wow.
>>17573261 Way ahead of you bud. Many can talk the talk, but will you walk the walk? Verily, verily, any man who would follow after Christ should deny himself and take up his own cross.
Viperion !!1gXxzGNU375
>>17573190 >humans with RH- blood. These are the true Hebrews and Israelites. "Humans with potential ET ancestors", RH- blood is a rabbit hole I haven't really gone down until recently, if it's not ET I would be tempted to present "leftover material from Atlantis" as an alternative origin theory
The Antichrist !SATANZ0Gpo
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>>17573919 "Leftover material from Atlantis" would be the Rhesus monkey blood that goy have. If the flood had not come, all flesh would have become corrupt. RH- are purebloods in very much the same way we call the unvaccinated purebloods.
Genetic modification has happened before. It's happening again now. Nothing is new under the sun.
Soon enough the RH- purebloods will be called unto God and unlock the dormant abilities hidden within their genome. The first of these abilities to manifest is generally clairvoyance & intuition. Soon enough so too remote viewing and telepathy become available, and so on and so forth. Various disciplines, practices, techniques, and intentions garner different results.
They will become miracle workers, a whole lot of them. Currently trying to find fellow children of God on the path so we can accelerate the organizational phase that is beginning.
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Joe Kennedy III Very likely a shitty guess. Oh well. If I'm right, I'd like the date and cookie.
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Trump is Christ Trump is King