>>17574707>How do we prevent a soul from making the same mistake ever again? It is not a mistake, You have a purpose and you are here on purpose.
>Is incarnation guaranteed? You are eternal and not the body.
You don't have to incarnate here, or physically if you don't want to.
>Is it possible to be banned from incarnating? >What are the conditions for that to happen?You incarnate where your vibration matches and where you have planned out things you would like to learn and work on.
https://youtu.be/mIapFOMChHw>What do you do when all the good choices have been locked away and all that's left are choices that lead to suffering?This isn't the case.
You have placed catalysts in your life that will help to keep you on your path.
Every Problem Presents a Present.
Catalysts for Change are often viewed negatively.
But after we understand them for what they are, every time something "bad" happens, we look for the "silver lining" faster and faster.
But I really do love that quote, "Every Problem Presents a Present" as in every issue brings you a gift if you know how to open it.
every bad thing moved you into a position to receive something better that you wouldn't have received if the initial issue never moved you into the position to receive the blessing.
every time something bad has happened in your life in the past, usually it was followed by something good that never could have happened if the bad thing didn't move you into the position to receive the good thing that is coming towards you. You should not feel depressed for the past, but joyous for the future because you have your soul, your health, and every opportunity before you.
Take some time to relax, and start visualizing yourself in the places and things you want.