>>17579774I feel such a pity for american right-ists of any ilk who affiliate themselves with third-worldism, multi-polarity, eur-asianism or whatever the fuck that old monkey putin really wants.
Look, I get it. When there are drag queen shows for children in every town in your nation, you'll get angry, you'll feel disgusted, you want to lash out against degeneracy. But there is no good example of anti-degeneracy in this world. Every country and every nation is neck deep in shit. Moral, spiritual or materialistic.
No one is coming to save you, no one is going to provide an example and support you. You, or rather, We are on our own.
What I'm trying to say is that russia is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, crime, HIV, abortion, murder, rape (often gay rape) ridden hell on earth.
Siding with russia, being a zigger in general, makes you look like a hopeless fool who knos nothing about geopolitics and reality of eastern europe