>>17594735Every hates niggers, even niggers. Everyone hates muslims. Everyone hates chinks. Everyone hates jews.
I don't know in what world you are living chang, but you are despised. You are hated to an extreme that you cannot even begin to understand. The hate that you believe that exists again whites? It's more rooted in jealousy that anything.
But the hate that other races feel for you? It's rooted in disgust, like looking at malformed vermin and insects.
When people will come after you, they will show no emotion. You will be wiped from this earth, like your ancestors wiped their brothers out before, again and again, with great indifference.
Shalom, brother. If you think whites have it bad, prepare yourself what will come to your race. Because unless whites, you are unable to pull yourself out of your suffering. You are doomed.