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Latin language comes from Romania

No.17614130 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The closest romance language to Latin is Romanian. Not italian, not sardinian, not any other.
Romania (Dacia) was only occupied by Rome for 165 years, and only by two non-italian legions south of the Danube, no occupation at all north of the Danube. Despite this, all Dacians just speak "latin"
Never mind further centuries of germanic and later slavic domination. It took only 165 of marginal roman presence for all Dacia to just switch to Latin, and get so romanized the whole country called itself Romania, including the parts that were never under roman occupation.
Because latin language and culture and roman identity comes from Romania, it was the source.
All ancient history of Rome and Greece was written in Renaissance Italy by cunning writers trying to make money in the forgeries market