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No.17652948 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me 19 year old american
>read about how "based" Islam is on /pol/
>decide to go to the Friday Jummah prayer this weekend (like Sunday church for Christians kinda, most important day/prayer of the week)
>walk into mosque into a sea of jarringly ugly brown faces
>take off my shoes along with a bunch of other brown people in a stinky room and put them on a rack
>go into prayer area
>have to awkwardly squeeze and sit uncomfortably between 2 guys
>sit down to listen to the lecture
>brown sheikh/imam/lecturer walks up
>Salam Alaikum brothers and sisters
>he randomly, says some Arabic shit that sounded like "innawallahiinamawallahkulahadallahkulwahadallahallahbinyaallahinneestaghkulhoowallahooahadwalamyalid" for like FIVE minutes straight without stopping - I assume it's an intro/beginning blessing for the lecture
>he begins a the lecture
>"truly ALLAH (azawajjal) blah wah Muhammad (SUL HOO ALAYHI WA SALAM) alhamdulillah FOR EVERY HAIR ON THE GOAT BODY ALLAH FORGIVE YOUR SINS in the days of NOOH (alayhisalam)....
>this low IQ khutbah "lecture" goes on for what feels like eternity, with hundreds of brown men in the prayer hall listening intently as if he's saying very profound things
>he also keeps adding random indecipherable Arabic words to his sentences for no reason instead of just saying them in English
>finally ends after an hour of torture
>everyone stands up and comes forward to begin the prayer
>I get beckoned over and pushed into this tiny spot between 2 guys that a ten year old boy would barely fit into, making me have to hunch my shoulders together
>proceed to bend over and stick my ass in the air for 2 minutes then stand up again, then repeat the process 5 times

I'm never listening to /pol/ again.